Dirty Peter pan

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Peter Pan ouat dirty imagine for Morgan (aka: Thelostgirl612 )
Go follow her

"Ok boys and Morgan, let's start with with knife throwing. Pick up your choice of knife,dagger or switchblade and aim for the target if you hit the bullseye, you can leave and return to camp if not you have to stay here and try and try and try until you get it right and hit the center...let's begin".

And so everyone started throwing knifes and of course hitting the target and leaving...then it was just me and pan...oh lord help me

I felt pans pupils burning holes in my back, staring at me intently. Watching my every move

"Wrong again Morgan, here when you lunge make sure your putting your weight on your leading foot like this." Pan said walking over to me and putting his hands on my waist and positioning my body

"Uh thank...you". I said in a staggered breath

He just smirked and walked back to his tree and leaned against it

"Ok now throw your dagger on to the target".

So I threw it and


"YES, I DID IT". I said happily

I looked over at pan and he didn't look to pleased with me...oh well

I started putting my knifes into my weapon bag and heading for the campsite until pan stopped me

"Where do you think your going".
Pan said sternly from behind me

"Uh back to camp". I said obviously and turning around to find no pan in site

I felt cold hands on my waist "no your not...you're coming with me".
He said huskily

Next thing I knew I was in pans hut his hands still on my waist

Pan spun me around, I gasped from the sudden force, my eyes shot up to meet his and oh my god his eyes
They were the brightest green ever. The more I looked at Peter the more attractive he got...he was giving of this sexy lustful tender aura almost

He smashed his lips to mine...I don't know what came over me but I kissed back

He walked us over to the wall not breaking the kiss

I pulled apart for air

"Peter what the hell are we doing,we were just throwing knifes and now were making out in your hut...what's up with that?". I asked confused

"You do know that you were doing it all right before I just kept you back so I could get you alone to do this".
Pan whispered in my ear

"Good talk...". I said smashing my lips back on to pans

He must've been taken by surprise because he fell back on to his bed pulling me with him of course

Me on top of Peter straddling him

He flipped us over super quick,now he's on too straddling me

"One rule, love, I'm in charge". He said then started kissing on my neck and jaw then down to my collarbone

I sat up and went to take peters shirt off

"Uh uh darling...like I said we do this my way...strip".

So I got up off the bed and started removing clothes and every time I looked at Peter he was biting his lip and shaking his leg with anticipation

So I was finally stripped to my bear skin

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