Draco Imagine

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Draco imagine:

"Y/N meet in the dorms"  Read the note that Draco sent. You smiled as  you were walking out of spell class, Making your up the stairs You made sure to hold on for safety.

Finally making it to the Slytherin Dorm rooms You go into my room and put my stuff down only to get scared by Draco.

"Boo" He yells right behind me making me jump, dropping all of my stuff on the floor. You swing around taking out my wand waving it in front of his face making him back up against the wall.

"Woah Baby don't have to do that to me now do you?" He says trying to persuade me into backing up. You don't move and keep staring at him with my wand pointing in his face.

Silence filled the room making it really awkward between us. His eyes met mine sending chills down my back. He smiles and leans in so he could whisper into my ear.

"It's just us in the room right now" he says making you disgusted. "Ew Hell no Draco I will never have sex with you" You said back disgusted with him.

He shrugs and tries to get away but You stop him and keep holding my wand to his face. You grab hold of his wrists so he doesn't do anything stupid again. "Ow what the hell Y/N let me go. I just wanted to talk to you that's all, I'm sorry for scaring you" He says pleading to be let out.

You groan letting go of him going back over to your bed to clean up the books and papers. He walks over bending down to help pick up the mess.

He reaches for a book at the same time as you reach for it. Chills ran down your back as your guys hands brushed against each other's. You looked up smiling taking the book.

"Did you see The professors face when Harry Potter made his house loose 50 points" Said Gregory. Vincent shook his head laughing, catching Me and Draco's attention.

"Um I have to get going to the food hall" You said panicking as you stood up dusting the dirt off of the skirt. "Oh ok I'll see you there Y/N" Draco said back. You smile back walking out of the room.

*Time Skip*

Everybody was in the eating hall waiting for Dumbledore to give the daily news to all the students. "Hello everyone, I would like to congratulate Y/N on being one of the hardest working students in this school, which means 10 points to Slytherin." He said as everybody started to clap, Celebrating the great news.

Draco turned and looked over making me blush, "Good job Y/N" He said making me smile getting back to Dumbledore . "Silence" He said but nobody heard him. "SILENCE" He yelled making not even a sound come out of anybody's mouths.

"Thank you and now I would like to remind you that we have a Quidditch game between Slytherin and Gryffindor this Friday at 5:30 pm be there to support your families." Said Dumbledore smiling as everybody cheered quickly quieting down once done.

After the speech everyone went back to their conversation and the food. Half way through lunch somebody tapped my shoulder, turning around You saw Draco standing there in his long green robe and black shoes with his blonde hair covering his eyes.

"Uh I need to ask you something
Y/N." He said with his hand out waiting for my hand to intertwine with his. You grabbed his hand getting up from my seat, following him to the living room of the Slytherin rooms.

We stopped sitting down on the couch in front of the fire place. Silence filled the air making it really awkward between me and Draco.

You stared at the fire when he started to talk getting me out of my thought of train. "So uh Y/N I've been wanting to ask you since this afternoon if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asked. You smiled not knowing what to say so You hugged him knocking him over. I let go and smile chuckling at how clumsy I was.

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