Chapter Nine: Lucy the Lonely

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Chapter 9—Lucy the Lonely

Colton, Carmina, and I met up with Lewis Daniels and the Londons at the Daniels' mansion. Carmina discussed the situation with Stella beforehand, and she simply accepted. Now, Colton had just finished breaking the news to Lucy.

"What do you mean the engagement is over? I can't believe you would do this to me, Colton!" Lucy screamed. "We were supposed to be married. You and I were the perfect 'it' couple. Our relationship had the x-factor. We were meant to be. How could you give me up for that?"

She gestured to me, a disgusted expression on her face.

"You and I don't love each other, Lucy," Colton said, calmly.

"What does love have to do with anything? You and I were the perfect couple in the media's eyes. You and I were supposed to be even more successful and rich together."

"There's more to marrying someone than that," he responded.

"Not in the business world," she countered.

"I'm sorry Lucy, but it's over," Colton said.

She huffed and stomped to the doorway.

"Fine, but I'm telling everyone that I broke up with you. And, I'm keeping the ring!"

"Okay, take it," Colton replied.

She scoffed and glared at me. "I hope you're happy. You just ruined a perfectly good engagement."

I just shrugged and didn't reply, which made her even more irritated. She was trying to get a strong reaction from me, but she wasn't going to get it.

"You know what you are? You're a gold-digger. You're a moocher. You're the other woman. You're a selfish, cold-hearted, worthless, ugly piece of—"

"Honey! I think it's time to go," Stella cut in.

"But mother, I was just getting to the good part. She's a—"

"Lucy, sweetie, you're just embarrassing yourself. Now, come on. Let's go to your favorite French restaurant and try to calm you down."

"Fine, but I'm getting garlic bread. Yeah, that's right. Carbs, baby! And I'm getting the most expensive wine just because I can."

Wow, she sounds drunk, which makes me worried about what she sounds like when she is drunk because right now, she's sober. I tried to stifle a laugh as Stella dragged her to the front door.

"Well, that was an interesting turn of events," Lewis said.

"Mr. Daniels, I apologize for what's happened. If you're angry, then I understand," I told him.

"Elena Sharpe, my son's secretary...or, so I've heard that you prefer the term personal assistant or something along the lines of that. Well, it seems as if you've definitely gotten personal with Colton."

"If you don't approve, I'm sorry," Colton said. "But listen, Elena means a lot to me. And, I wasn't happy with Lucy. I wasn't—"

"Say no more, son. Elena is who you've chosen, and it's done. You and Lucy are over. I should've been more considerate."

"Are you saying that you're okay with all of this?"

"Yes, Colton, I'm surprisingly alright with your decision...but on one condition."

"What condition?"

"Elena must stay for dinner. Obviously, your mom has gotten to know her a bit. I'd like to get more acquainted with your new girlfriend, too."

"I'd love to stay, Mr. Daniels," I accepted.

"Call me Lewis."

"Lewis, okay."

"My wife makes the best steak, so dinner will be amazing tonight."

"Steak? Really?"

"I'm a master at grilling," Carmina said, smiling.

"Trust me. You'll love it," Colton said.

"Can't wait," I replied.


After dinner, Colton drove me home.

We were standing near the front door.

"Everything went according to plan. Actually, it went better than planned."

"I guess it's our lucky night," I said.

"Are you feeling lucky tonight?" he asked, suggestively.

"Colton, don't get any ideas."

"Why, not?" he asked, leaning in.

"We back together."

"Isn't that a means to celebrate?" he asked, hopefully.


"Fine, fine. I won't push my luck," he said, placing his arms around my waist, "But can I at least have a goodnight kiss?"

"Of course," I said, smiling.

I pressed my lips against his, and he deepened the kiss. My back met the door, Colton's body pushing against mine.

I pulled away for air, but he quickly started kissing me again.

"I—I have to go inside," I said, holding up my house key.

Colton waited until I opened my door.

"I guess I should go now then," he said.

As he kept direct eye contact, I couldn't help but start to change my mind.

" could stay a little bit longer."

"I thought you didn't want to—"

I cut him off with another kiss.

"Okay, I guess I'm staying," he said, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.

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