Chapter One: Mr. Colton Daniels

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Chapter 1—Mr. Colton Daniels

"This is it," I said, standing in front of the main entrance, "Lewis Daniels Inc."

"I can't believe we're going to be working together!"

"It's too early to celebrate. I haven't even been hired yet."

"You'll get it. Don't worry."

I looked up at the tall skyscraper, taking it all in. Lewis Daniels was the owner of Zelena Hotels, and Lewis Daniels Inc. was the headquarters of the prestigious branch of hotels and resorts. My best friend, Harper Thompson, had been working as a receptionist for the company for about a year now. I had a job interview to be an office assistant. Basically, I was going after a job as a secretary, but office assistant sounds more professional—because it somewhat boosts my ego. I would be working for the fairly famous Colton Daniels, the young CEO-to-be. He's the eldest son of Lewis Daniels and my possible future boss. Harper always gushes about him because he's a semi-celebrity with a great smile. Though, his smile is apparently rare. I guess he's the serious type, or maybe he just likes to be mysterious. Well, it's also quite possible that he doesn't like to waste his smile on "the little people." For all I know, he could turn out to be a spoiled brat, born with—not just one—but two silver spoons, always having everything simply handed to him. He tries his best to stay out of the limelight, so nothing much is known about him—at least, not much official information anyway. The only things we really know are the names of the people in his family and who he's currently dating.

Thoughts rushed through my mind out of nervousness. I was excited but worried. What if I did get hired and Colton Daniels was completely harsh? Oh no. What if I got fired after just one day? What if I didn't get the job because he took one look at me and thought I'd be useless? Now, I'm just psyching myself out. I need to breathe. I need to relax and be prepared for the job interview. I need...I need caffeine.

"Harper, I didn't have coffee this morning," I panicked.

She raised an eyebrow, obviously confused. "So?"

"I need some."

"Well, you can't get it now," she replied. "You can't be late for your interview."

"But I really want some...right now."

"Are you a caffeine addict, by any chance? Is this a new habit that you've developed?"

"No, no, I...I guess I'm just panicking. I'm nervous. The anxiety is kicking in."

"You've done several job interviews before. How is this one any different? Oh, I know. You're worried about Mr. Daniels."

"Lewis Daniels is here?"

"No, silly. I'm talking about Colton. You've seen pictures of him. He's totally cute."

"I am not panicking because he's cute."

"So you say. Now, Elena, get your butt into that building and rush to the main office. You've only got ten minutes."

"Ten minutes is plenty of time," I countered.

Harper scoffed. "Not in the business world. Now, move it, girl."

She shoved me towards the entrance, and I walked through the revolving door.

I entered the lobby with Harper following behind me.

"I'll be waiting right here," she said, standing near the front desk.

"Job interview?" the woman at the desk inquired. I assumed that she was the other receptionist, taking over the shift on Harper's day off.

I nodded.

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