17) Captain America's Butt (it's a great pillow)

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It was almost time. The antidote was ready and had been tested on some SHIELD agents. It worked perfectly (everyone knew it would) and almost all the agents (and Fury of course) were back to their usual, non-teenage selves.

The kids were going to be changed back in a few hours so Maria wanted to do one more thing for them, one more childhood memory that might not even exist when they all changed back, but it's not like it mattered.

It was an impressive fort, almost the full size of the playroom and tall enough that Maria's head just reached the top when she was kneeling down. It was made of twelve chairs and ten sheets, and all seven children loved it (especially Nat who sat in the corner and played shop with Pepper, and Clint who had made himself a 'nest' in one corner out of a pile of pillows and an unused sheet.)

Bruce and Tony were trying to map the fort onto blueprint paper and Thor and Steve were doing a jigsaw puzzle (Steve was doing the puzzle, Thor was yelling that "THIS MIDGUARDIAN TOY IS NO MATCH FOR A GOD" but no one really paid attention to his yelling anymore, so it didn't bother anyone.

By the time it was six o'clock all the kids were worn out from playing and almost asleep in the "movie room" of the fort (Tony named it.) It had a sheet draped over the top of the tv and connected to an opening in the main fort.

The kids were dressed in a prototype that Hank had been working on, supposedly their clothes would grow with them as they slept, similar to how Hank's costume would grow and shrink with him. Then they had picked Toy Story as the movie to watch and even Maria, Tom and Bobbi were squished into the fort so they could spend the Littlevenger's last few minutes together as an almost family. (Jan was helping Hank, well that's what she told them.)

It was decided that the easiest way to administer the antidote was using smoke, (and no, it wasn't because Maria didn't want anyone sticking any needles in her kids. Not even a little. She wasn't going soft at all) so after the children had fallen asleep in the fort, Hank began to set up the machine that would disperse the smoke and change them all back into their full-grown, super-hero bodies.

He said it would take about an hour for them to age back and the after effects would cause them to sleep for at least twenty hours afterwards, so all the lights in the playroom were turned off and Maria and Tom left the room so they could wait for their temporary kids to grow up.


Tony Stark awoke to the sensation of someone (or something) heavy lying on top of his legs, which would have only been a little weird if it weren't for the fact that the last thing he remembered was purple smoke and Pepper yelling at him. He kept his eyes closed, because although he didn't know what time it was, his internal body-clock was screaming "It's too early," and he wasn't going to argue with his own body. He tried that before and it almost always ended in a hangover and a pissed off Pepper/Fury/General Public.

So he just snuggled into his pillow, which was actually pretty uncomfortable, and hard. Come to think of it, so was his bed. It took his two seconds to realise that he was sleeping on the ground, that his pillow wasn't actually a pillow, and that the thing on his legs was indeed a person and they were now hugging him.

HE cracked open his one eye to find that his "Pillow" was actually Captain America's butt, also, even though it was a lovely butt, like a nine and a half where Pepper's was a ten, Tony had never had a desire to use it as a pillow.

It took him roughly thirty seconds to detangle himself from the butt, and the person hugging his legs (It was hard to tell in the darkness, but it appeared to be a really tall, blonde girl) without waking up either of them. He didn't yet know if there was anyone else in this room (Room? Tent?) but he wasn't going to take any chances.

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