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I got outside of school to see king leaning against his brand new BMW I started to walk towards him but Tiara's hoe ass beat me to him first I rolled my eyes and started to walk the other way deciding that I would walk home "Kyra where the hell you going"I looked back and seen king look at me curiously and tiara glaring at me I rolled my eyes and put my hand on my hip " king I'm going home what does it look like no one want to see tiara suck you up in the car" tiara gasped and stared at king for help " Kyra get your grown ass in the car now for I throw your ass in it " I stood there and folded my arms he raised his eye brows and shrugged his shoulders and walked over to me and throw me over his shoulder "king put me fucking down you dickhead " he smacked my ass "shut up I told your ass to get in the car didn't I ?" I stayed quiet and let him put me in the car I seen tiara give me a dirty look " baby you ok you know she could have broke your back trying pick her up " king looked at her and shook his head " tiara go on with that shit you just mad she got more ass then your twig ass " I blushed a little at kings comment but I still wanted to beat tiara ass but I just got suspended for fighting I'm not going fight right outside of school so I can get in more trouble I shut my door and laid my head against the seat and darkness started to take over me

When I woke up I was in my room I knew king must of bought me I honestly hate when he did that all I could think of his pick me up and it made me feel self-conscious but every time i told him he would brush me off I shook off the thought and got out of my bed and went to my grandmothers room to see her peacefully sleeping with the picture of my grandfather and mother hugged to her chest I went to her bed and took it out of her hand and kissed her forehead softly and placed the picture on her table next to her bed then left and shut the door behind me I went into the kitchen and look for something to cook for dinner the fridge was close to empty but I didn't want to say anything to king but soon I'm going to have to i knew I could get a couple more days of food if I took money from the money I had saved up for rent I sighed and went into my room and got the money from out a lilo stuff animal I got when I was six from my grandmother I took 20 dollars out and put the rest back I put on my shoes on and a coat and head down stairs making sure to be quite so Andre wouldn't come out of his house
I got to the corner store but there were a whole niggas I gotten closer and realized that it was Damon and his crew in front of it just smoking this is why i hated coming to this store without king because they always make me feel I don't know how to explain it out of all of them I liked Damon the most he always treated me with respect and looked at me like I wasn't just some little 15 year old girl that couldn't take care of herself he treated me like a adult and I liked that not even king treated me like that

I sighed and walked into the store ignoring all the Prevert comments coming my way till I felt my hand being pulled I turn around and seen Damon I blushed "where you been I haven't seen you in a while " I smiled "I was busy with taking care of my grandmother and school " he nodded his head and licked he lips " aye you wanna go with me to this kickback in a few " I thought about it for while " Damon do you remember I am 15 right " he looked at me and smirked "sorry a nigga be forgetting you don't act like one and damn sure don't look like one " he looked me up and down and licked his lips again " plus I'm pretty sure half them nigga in there are younger then you come on or your scared your daddy king will find out and beat you" I laughed and hit his arm"first of all king ain't my dad I can do whatever the fuck I want " he smirked and crossed his arms "then come with me to this party " I rolled my eyes and smiled " you know for a 24 year old you mad childish right "he shrugged his shoulder " so are you coming " I thought again and finally made up my mind " yeah nigga" he smiled before picking me up I screamed and he put me into his car that's his friends now was in they started smoking for a few minutes I felt a little uncomfortable till Damon looked at me and " oh shit ky I forgot you were here for a minute want some " I shook my head " come on one hit and ill leave you alone " the car got quiet and I felt everyone's eyes on me I just took the blunt from his hand and inhaled as much as I can but ended up coughing everyone in the car laughed " you got to slow down baby girl its alright you'll used to it " at that point I know it was bad idea to Say yes to damon but the next thing I know I was higher then a kite

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