My Sister is a vampire-prologue

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My Sister's a Vampire.


I was sitting in the dark at the bottom of the garden. I had just come out of the house, when I heard a noise. Instincts took over and I changed. Changing was always the most amazing feeling I ever experienced. I am rare, even in my species, because I can change into any living thing I want. Unlike my sister, who is stuck between human and vampire!

She never seized to amaze me, bringing home various creatures. The latest a werewolf, I do believe. However I don't think she realises it. Not yet, but I couldn't care less. I (for once) actually liked Ethan, - still do- and if he wants to stay a secret, then I won't be a party pooper. My sister however, would never give me such treatment. That one day I brought home a warlock, she got so pissed she changed. She changed for the first time that day, and now she is stuck between those two worlds.

She's lucky. Her strength is greater than average, for it is only our family who can ever turn into vampires. Though it doesn't really have to be our close family; they just have to contain some of our 'sacred' blood. Not me though, I don't just change into a vampire, I can change into anything I want. Anytime I want. Our family get born, and then they live forever. Sometimes they come around in cycles. Like me for example; I was born, grew to 18 then started at 12 again. I was twelve that time in the garden when we were attacked.

I was reasonably relaxed, trying to avoid my sister and her latest boyfriend Ethan. I knew he had decided to tell her that day that he was a werewolf, so I tried to stay out of the way. Useless anyway, she could have probably been heard in Australia, but only by our type. I suppose Ethan telling her that he was a werewolf went quite well, considering that they are meant to be immortal enemies. Suppose opposites do attract.

Anyway, I was staring at the TV. The news was on and yet again they were complaining about mp expenses. Stupid humans, they don't know the meaning of the word crisis. They don't realise that they are surrounded by shape shifters, every room you go into. It's been to long since they checked their selves. Anything could happen thanks to those of our species who think they/we have the right to overrule the human's who work every day. They are too self conscious of themselves, only living in one world, unlike us, who are free to become animals. Like mutants.

Back to what happened that night, a light flashed, the world slowed, and we were sent to the worst place on earth. Where we are royalty . . . As Calediarns, we are one of the most worshipped families in shape shifter world. On a much higher level than Britain's queen! And she thinks she has no privacy. Our only escape was our house, where the magical wards protected us from the rest of the community, but those wards had just been broken which meant that it was time.

okay, i can't add a youtube video on, but i do have this link, or you can just type in my sisters a vampire on youtube, anyway. ..

look up this in your thingamajig:

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