Prologue: Ugly Weather and Other Problems

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What was my first day in Forks like? Well, understandably, it was far from perfect. Not only because of its bad weather conditions; as a proud ex-inhabitant of Ireland, I was used to rain, fog, wind, and other disgusting examples of northern weather. The main problem of mine was, that the house my aunt and I were supposed to move into, had a problem with floors (or something like that), therefore, we couldn't have moved in until an appropriate person would come, see what was wrong with it, and perhaps even manage to fix it. We were recommended to spend the first few days in a local Bed and Breakfast (called At Emily's), which was situated about three miles away from the city centre (although the word "centre" might be an exaggeration, considering it was Forks), in the middle of La Push Natural Reservation.

As we came to Emily's, a polite woman in her early thirtieth welcomed us with a warm, shy smile on her lips. I figured she was the owner of the building – perhaps even the woman the B&B was named after – Emily.
There was a scary thing about this Emily though, that attracted my attention instantly. It was the left side of her face. Five deep, long scars were engraved all over her left cheek, some of them reaching up to her eye, others spreading down to her lips. It was sad that a young, beautiful woman like her had such a noticeable physical deformation. For that, I should have pitied her, instead of my thinking about the Phantom of the Opera every time Emily had been around.

So no, the weather really wasn't the first ugly thing I came across in Forks.

The accommodation was a real mess to deal with; however, with my always optimistic mind (notice the sarcasm), I decided to free myself from any hints of bad attitude. This determination of mine lasted until we arrived in the local car shop, where we were told that the beautiful, super-new, peas-green Volkswagen Golf TDI my aunt had ordered just a few days ago, wasn't available anymore. The seller also added that he would order another one immediately, but we would have to wait four weeks for the car to be transferred from Seattle. 

Yeah, there was no freaking way I was going to wait four, damned weeks! Even if I went to Seattle on my own, bought a car there, and came back to Forks in it, it would take me four hours, instead of four weeks. That was why the second thing my aunt did the day we moved in, was taking me to Seattle, in order to buy a new car for me.

In the end, the Volkswagen I received hadn't my favourite peas-green colour, neither it was new or TDI. But still, it was a Golf and Golf was all I needed. It hadn't bothered me for the slightest, that I ended up with a common, yellow Volkswagen Golf combi, made in 2000. Because I was well aware of that it could have been worse.

After we came back, it was getting dark. I must sincerely claim I would have never found the way back to Emily's, if I had driven alone. Fortunately, my aunt was driving all the way in front of me. Her GPS navigation led us back to the particular B&B, and I could finally get a shower and jump to the comfortably-looking bed in my bedroom.

Sweet sleep was waiting for me. It was shouting my name and waving at me, for me to fall into it deservedly.

"Gwyn," my aunt's gentle voice hit my ears the moment a dream of strawberry cake knocked on the door of my subconsciousness. 

"Are you asleep yet?" She continued to ask me questions, but I refused to let her know that I haven't gotten a chance to fall asleep so far. 

"I wanted to tell you how incredibly sorry I am for that we had to move from Dublin. I know how much you loved Ireland and now, I see why you thought it would be a bad idea to move away. I know there's no defence for what I had to do, although it wasn't my decision." I noticed a slight shadow of remorse in her voice, while growing unsure about if it was still our moving-away she was speaking about. "You must know though, that all I did must have been done for your safety. I wish I could have told you more, but..."

It was official now: I had no freakin' idea what my aunt had been babbling about.

"Good night, sweetheart," she sighed, apparently defeated by her own thought processes. As the door of my bedroom closed behind her, I kicked the blankets away from myself, and sat up on the bed as fast as I could. 

All right... what the hell was that supposed to mean?   


Hello my dears! This is my first story on the whole Twilight topic. For that, I was wondering what type of character I should create, whom the character will be dating, and so on. I won't ask you what do you think about it just yet, because basically, nothing has happened so far. But expect my asking you in the next chappy. But still, you can put some likes on it. ^^ 

What do you think about Ch. G. Moretz's face for Gwyneth? I'm not sure, doesn't she seem... IDK, too cute to display Gwyn (if you know what I mean)? I will decide what will Hayden look like soon. You can help me... perhaps? Just leave me a comment if you have any ideas you wanna share with me.

Oh, and I don't own anything besides my own characters and plotlines. The rest belongs to Stephanie Meyer. 

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