Chapter Six

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The Truth About Forever {Chapter Six}


"Get up," Mason shakes me.

"Piss off," I groan. It was a Saturday, what the hell does he think he's doing? He knew that this was the only day that I could get any proper sleep. 

"Charissa, get up. It's twelve already!" He shakes me again.

"No," I pull my covers over my head, shutting out all sources of light. I wanted to sleep, I needed to sleep.

"That's it," Mason says, and then I hear a couple thuds of loud footstep.

I pull my cover down ever so slightly, so I could see what he was doing. He still hadn't returned after a minute, so I assumed I was safe and pulled the covers back down so it only covered my body.

I shut my eyes, but before I knew it, a ice-cold liquid was poured onto me. I gasped in shock, shrieking in surprise, immediately leaping up.

Cameron runs into the room a couple seconds later, "What happened?"

He then stares at Mason, who still had the large, red bucket in his hand, then at me, who was soaked, and looked probably looked like a mad woman.

He chuckles, then starts joining the laughing Mason, who was pointing at me. I opened my mouth in shock. How much more rude could they get?

I climb out of bed, a sly smile on my face, "Mason, I think you need a big hug for being such an amazing brother."

"No, I think I'm good," Mason wipes a tear from his eye, clutching his stomach. Was it really this hilarious? Well, it wasn't going to be so funny for them soon.

"Nope,  still think you deserve one. One big, wet, hug."

Then I wrapped Mason in a gigantic bear hug as he tries to squirm away from my grasp. It was impossible, I had him secured in my arms. "Charissa, get off of me."

"Say you're sorry and I'm the best person in the entire world then I'll consider it," I squeeze him into an even bigger hug. I could feel  I could feel the water soaking through his shirt, as he shuffled awkardly. Cameron began laughing even harder in the background.

 "I'm never going to say that," Mason exclaims, still struggling under my grasp.

"Never? You sure on that?" I shrug, "Then you're going to have to stay like this."

"Okay, fine. Fine, Charissa, I'm sorry," Masons screams, "This is really uncomfortable."


"And you're the best person in the entire world," Mason mutters.

I pull him into one last hug before letting him go. "That teaches you not to mess with me, Mason."

"As entertaining as this was, you two should really stop fooling around," Cameron speaks up, "The Lermans will be here in an hour or so for brunch."

I groaned, "What? Why? Didn't they just come over yesterday?"

Cameron shrugs, "I have no idea. Father's pretty fond of this whole partnership thing. He went with mother early this morning to pick out something nice to bring to the Lermans. Besides, you're the one who was stupid enough not to tell mother and father you had a boyfriend. I'm pretty sure they'd have to come over to visit daily now since they'll be family soon."

"Fingers crossed they don't and won't?"

Cameron and Mason laughed, then before they walked out the door,  Cameron ruffles my hair and smiles, "We're always here to talk. You know that right?" I nodded. "Good. Now get in the shower."

I smiled back at him. What would I do without them?

I was about to get out of my clothes, before my phone begun ringing. I checked the caller ID, it was Seth.


"Hey, babe," Seth chirps into the phone on the other line.

"What's up?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see if you'd want to go on a date? We haven't caught up in a long time. Beginning of the years are usually a busy time, and I didn't manage to catch you at Trisha's party the other day."

My mouth was threatening to spill an immediate yes, however my heart quenced as I thought back to last week. It's true, I barely had any more quality time with Seth nowadays and it was a rare opportunity that he was the one bringing this up, but I still wasn't ready to face him.

"I can't."

"Oh," I can imagine the small frown on his face this exact moment, "Why not?"

"I, um, I have this thing..."

"What thing?"

"Uh, I have to visit one of my father's clients."

"Can't you get out of it?" he says in this adorable baby voice which makes me melt, "Please?"

"I wish I could," I sighed. Trust me, Seth. I wish I could. 

"Alright then," Seth sighs in return, "I'll just call Michael up and see if he would like to hang."

"No, wait, I'm sure he's-"

"Bye babe."


He had hung up on me. This was not good, not good at all. What if Michael told him everything? What would Seth say? Would Seth be hurt? But I didn't do anything with Michael, all we were doing is dating. Or fake dating to be exact. God, it still sounded so ridiculous. 

This was just so messed up. I hated lying to Seth, a huge part of me would have guilt clinging on for quite a while but it was pretty hopeless this time, wasn't it? Besides, I was going to have to talk to Seth one day. Our issue couldn't be left unsolved for any longer, or I may not be able to face him forever.

I tossed my phone onto my bed, then got in the shower, trying to wash out all of my thoughts.


The heard a car pull up on our driveway a while later, and as I opened my curtains and peeked at the situation, I spotted a white stretch limo was parked in front of our driveway. They must've arrived.

Ms. Lerman came out first, wearing a velvet dress, hair tied in a tight bun. Her head was held up high, and the necklace that she wore made her seem ten times more sophisticated than she seemed last night at the dinner party. Was this all necessary for a brunch?

Next came Mr. Lerman. He was wearing an Armani suit which I recognised was from the Fall collection. Mason had showed me the magazine one too many times and I had memorised all of their suit designs. Very sad, but true.

Michael came out of the car, looking very sharp and charming. He stared at the front of our house for a couple of seconds before he turned his attention back to the car. He then lifted his hand for someone to hold.

I wonder what happened when Seth had called him a while back?

Lastly, a very, very beautiful girl came out of the car. She was around half a head shorter than Michael, and even though I was looking from afar, I knew instantly that she was absolutely stunning. She was the type of girl which you would just wish you were, the type of girl you wanted to become friends with. The word to describe her was... perfect.

She grabbed hold of Michael's hand, then gracefully walks over to our front door to join Mrs. and Mr. Lerman. The doorbell rung and I could hear the voices of our parents and Mr. Lerman's.

I hear a light knock on my door as I say, "Come in."

"Hey, they're here," Mason whispers.

"I know," I smile at him, "I'll be there in five."

"Alright, I'll pass it on," he glances at me, before grinning broadly at me, "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, you don't look half as bad yourself," I joke.

Mason laughs, "I'll take it as a compliment."


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