Chapter One

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The Truth About Forever {Chapter One}

Charissa's POV

"When the days are cold

And the cards all fold," 

I tapped along to the Imagine Dragon song which was blaring through the radio in my mini cooper.

 "For fucks sake, Charissa, turn the ear wrenching-music off or at least change the station, it's killing me," Trisha exclaims beside me.

I sigh to myself. Everyone, meet my best friend, Trisha. And trust me on this; this is completely typical Trisha behavior happening on a regular day. 

"I like it," I retort, trying my bes to remain calm, it was hard for Trisha not to be complaining all the time; she just constantly needed everything to go her way, "I'm not changing it."

"Fine," she sighs, "I just don't know what's wrong with music nowadays."

 It's not the music that's the problem — it's just your taste, I thought to myself. I'm not usually one to judge, especially on one's music library, but Trisha's consisted purely of Nicki Minaj songs such as 'Anaconda', and she remarks them as being extremely 'relatable', I wouldn't exactly trust her taste in music. 

 I ignore her, continuing to enjoy the beautiful music ringing in my ears, nothing particularly in mind.  I glanced at the clock, eight o'clock. We've got ten more minutes to get to school, it was best not to be late on the first day of the school year. It was times like this when I just had to try my best to distract myself from Trisha. 

 I pressed hard on the pedal, speeding up. Trisha beside me, looking bored, lit a cigarette, then takes a deep breath, inhales everything in.

 "Trisha, for the last time, no smoking in the car. My mother would kill me if she knows that we even own a pack of cigarettes, and you know she has a way of find everything out."

 "God.  Okay.  Take a chill pill for God's sakes," Trisha snaps at me, but continues smoking.

 "Trisha, put that out, now," I say in a warning tone. She better not make me say it for the third time.

 "Dude, I've lit it already, no point putting it out until I finish it. Obviously," she rolls her eyes and stares out the window, inhaling and exhaling, filling the car up with second hand smoke. I tried my best not to gag. 

  I stop at the red light in front us, mentally thanking God for its existence. "Put the fucking cigarette out now, Trisha."

When she doesn't reply, I pull the butt of the cigarette from her lips and throw it out the window. 

 "Oi," she exclaims, "I wasn't done with that!"

 The car behind us honks and I jump in surprise. Something told me that today was not going to my day. "Like I give a fuck," I mumbled, as I continued speeding down the highway.

After a couple minutes of awkward silence, we have arrived to Stantario High School — you've guessed it, a.k.a the name of my high school — I was about to park my cooper in the usual spot, right under the tall oak tree which gives perfect shade to my car, but something was completely wrong. Someone's silver Bentley Continental was already in my area.

That area was mine only and everyone knows that. That's just how the school works; the more important you are in the school, the better of a car park spot you get.  You have to understand that.  And whoever takes up your parking space is pretty much in deep shit. 

 It may sound stupid, but it's important if you want your life spared in this school. Tsk tsk, the unwritten rules of high school survival.

Of course, Trisha immediately notices this and lets out an unnecessary high pitched scream. "Oh my god, someone took our space."

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