11. Jealous

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Chapter 11 - Jealous

The sun is up and it's a really fine day. I don't know... it's just that everything seems to be in order, like... puzzle pieces finally fitting together. And on this fine day, here I am driving around the city early in the morning. I sort of missed Seoul's serene streets, those of New York are too busy for me.  It really feels great being home. I was gone for about three weeks. Thank God everything was settled earlier than planned. If I stayed there for just one more day, I might lose my sanity. There's someone I'm dying to see but I guess I have to suppress that desire for now, I've promised Taemin that I'll accompany him in picking up the custom-made wedding rings somewhere in Jongno.

I pulled to the side, took my phone and placed it in my pocket, checked my reflection once before going out and leaving Nini. Until now it feels surreal. My best friend's getting married months from now and it just won't sink in. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

I arrived at the shop and of course he's not here yet, I checked my phone but there's not even a single message so I decided to send him one.  For the mean time, I surveyed the area and examined the different rings. Which of these would Kyungsoo like? I can imagine how each ring would accent his finger. Would he like diamonds, or would he prefer just a simple one, without any precious stones on it?

"Sir, do you want me to take that out so you could have a closer look at it?"

"No thanks, I—what the hell Lee Taemin?!"

"I just want to tease you a bit Jonginnie, sorry for being late." I can see the excitement on his eyes. He's really into this. I'll always admire this side of Taemin. He devotes himself to whatever he loves, something I wasn't able to do back then. I've given up on dancing, yes, but it won't happen again.

I'll never give up on Kyungsoo.

After picking up the rings, we went to this café where we used to hang out together. Back then, it was my favorite café. I just realized it's only about four blocks away from the office. Great.

We talked about their wedding plans. He said he'll invite our closest friends from college including Suho hyung. I really miss that hyung and his limitless credit card. Taemin even jokingly said that he wants to invite Suho hyung for he's certain that he'll give him a really expensive gift, 'cause Suho hyung's really... well he's rich. After discussing a few more details, we decided to leave but not before buying something for Yeol. He said he wants to invite him personally might as well bring him something. He bought choco butternut doughnuts 'cause I told him it's Yeol's current favorite though I'm pretty sure it's not, instead it would be Baekhyun's. He's going to give it to him anyway.

When we reached the building I parked where I usually park every day. I wonder who dared to park here while I'm gone. I got off first but Taemin seems to have no plans of getting of my car.

"You need to open the door for me mister, aren't you my chauffeur for this day?"

"When did I ever say that?"

"Oh c'mon! I was your tour guide for the last three weeks and you can't even return the favor by opening a door! Wow Jongin! Wow!"

"Woah woah... stop the drama, well okay if you say so milady." I chuckled.

So I went out of my way and opened the door for him.

"I hope you enjoyed the ride madam."

"Aww... thank you mister chauffeur." And he pinched my cheeks. He freaking pinched my cheeks. Gosh Lee Taemin.

I'm at my cafe brewing some coffee when Chanyeol called me, he said he wants an Americano and choco butternut doughnuts. It was like this for a few days now. He's making me deliver coffee to him everyday. What an asshole, he could just ask his secretary to buy it for him.

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