5. I'm Yours

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Chapter 5 - I'm Yours

"You know, let go if you want to let go. You might regret if you won't start to sort your feeling now. Let yourself be happy. Stay where your heart's truly happy. Don't waste this chance, other people don't have any choice at all." Like me, there's nothing I can do. "

"Time won't stop for you Baekhyun, and when time passes I'm afraid that no one can go rewind. 'You'll never go until you let go.'"

I stared at Mr. Kim. He kept on swinging his glass in circular motion frowning, looking at nothing.

His words left me agape. I've never thought that behind his easy-go-lucky behavior he have this side of him. But... Should I follow his words? I know, if I followed his words I'll also follow my heart.

"Mr. Park... Park Chanyeol, I spend moths tangled up in knots and in five minutes you straighten me out."I said to myself.

I continued to drink all night. Drown all the feelings I want to fade, and ignite the feelings I want to grow.

I walked through the counter holding the rag to clean the marks of the precipitated glass from the costumers. I'm about to finish but someone is sleeping in the counter. His head lying on his folded arms. Mouth agape, puffing warm air, mumbling something from time to time.

I leaned on his face to hear what he's saying, or perhaps... to know who is he calling?

"Chan... Cha-chanyeol..."

Is he crying? Oh my, he's crying in his sleep. Poor boy. Why does everyone's love affairs be that complicated, and why do I have to witness all of them moping for their love ones that they can't have? It feels like I'm watching a melodrama live. It's cool, yeah... but it somehow feels like I'm carrying a burden.

The bar is now closing, I need Baekhyun to go home. I grabbed his cellphone lying beside his head..


"It's Minseok. Baekhyun's at my bar, and it's closing, hope you fetch him and send him to his house, because as I can see, he can't even lift a finger. He's dead sleep... Yeah, yeah... Thanks Chanyeol."

I dialed the number of the person I think he needs. I hope I did the right thing.

"I really want to help you all so I just followed my guts." I told him as he continued to sleep.

I'm in my office in my penthouse reading some papers. My head is somehow heavy because of too much drinking last night. And I catch a cold, I don't know why. Is it because of the cold weather? Or is it because of fatigue?

I'm into reading when my ringtone goes off.

"Baekhyun." says the caller ID.

Why is he calling this time? It's late at night.


"Hello." This is not Baekhyun's voice, I'm certain of that.

"Who's this?" I frowned. I'm now worried for Baekhyun. It's in the middle of late night and some guy has his phone.

"It's Minseok. Baekhyun's at my bar, and it's closing, hope you fetch him and send him to his house, because as I can see, he can't even lift a finger. He's dead sleep."

"Oh..." I was blank when I heard what Minseok said.

"Okay okay, I'll be there in a minute, wait for me."

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