Chapter Six: The Park

Start from the beginning

But just as a friend

When we got a little farther down the path, I stopped. In the corner of my eye, I saw a head of blond hair coming down a path way opposite us.


[Harry's POV]

I watched as Louis suddenly sprang down another pathway, running towards a blond boy. He yelled his name and Niall, I'm guessing, opened his arms to hug the Doncaster boy. They crashed together, hugging tightly. I shoved my hands in my pocket awkwardly and started to walk to the reunited friends. They released each other when I came close enough, and I finally got to get a good look at the boy.

He had bleached looking blond hair that laid flat under his navy blue beanie. His eyes were a breath taking ocean blue, which was great contrast to his pale skin. Rosy color lined his cheeks, and his smile revealed his braces.

He was defiantly attractive, and nothing about him made me cringe, but he was nothing compared to Louis.

Louis was still very close to Niall's side, snuggling against his hoodie. Niall grinned at me.

"You must be Harry, right? I'm Niall." he said in a thick Irish accent. Louis didn't say anything about him being Irish.

I took a deep breath, knowing very well I'd probably come off extremely awkward.

"Yeah, I-I'm Ha-harry." I said quietly.

Niall smiled brightly at me, and of course, stuck his hand out for me to shake. I stepped back slightly and stuffed my hands further into my pants pockets.

No touching.

Touching is bad.

Niall's smile fell to a confused expression. My heart sunk.

He hates you.

Louis suddenly pulled Niall towards him so he was able to whisper into his ear. His lips moved as he spoke quietly to Niall.

He's talking about you.

Niall suddenly pulled back from Louis, and smiled. He cleared his throat.

"So... let's walk."



We spent the rest of the evening messing around the big open park. Niall was actually a very nice, friendly person. He didn't care when I had to stop and count all the ducks, or when I tied my shoe four times. It made me question what Louis had whispered to him though. He must've said something about how strange I was. That kind of hurt my feelings, but none the less, Niall seemed really cool.

He laughed about things, and he bought me and Louis coffee. He and Louis seemed really close. It made me wonder why Louis had left his old school if he had such a great friend.

Turns out, Niall is only a year older than me. He also likes to sing, like me.

We were walking by the river; Louis was feeding the ducks while Niall and I sipped our coffee.

I watched Louis carefully. He was just so beautiful. I know having feelings like this weren't normal, especially if it's towards your straight friend, but I couldn't stop them. He made me feel like I mattered. He made me feel like I belonged.

Louis turned around and smiled at me, making my heart flutter. He waved me over to feed the ducks. I obliged and stood up, but my clumsiness took the best of me, and I spilled my coffee on Niall's shoes.

Now you've done it.

Niall let out a yelp and I started muttering apologies. He told me it was nothing but I ignored his protests. Niall was hopping on one foot, attempting to wipe the brown substance off his white Vans.

"I have paper towels in the car." Louis said, starting to walk in that direction.

"No", I started, "I'll get them." I interrupted.

Louis smiled and gave me his keys, which I grabbed with my scarf, avoiding touching them.

I made my way quickly to his car, feeling so stupid. I always fuck things up. Louis and Niall will never trust me with anything now.

I couldn't help but think about losing Louis. I couldn't lose him. I like him, like really like him.

He's nice, funny, smart, and he actually cares about me. Everything about him was perfect to me.

I grabbed the paper towels and made my way back to the other boys.

I need to let Louis know how I feel. Maybe he feels the same... maybe.

But no matter what, ignoring these feelings would do no good, so I need to tell him. He wouldn't hate me, right? I hope he wouldn't.

I tuned the corner, deep in thought, when I saw something I'd never forget.

Louis had his arms draped around Niall, and they were kissing.



A/N *Whispers* Cliff hanger. (I really hope it wasn't obvious).

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