
87 12 5

Thanks faffreux

1 Voice: Her voice is smooth, a little lower than you might expect. If I had to choose what she might sound like, this song would sound the most like her:

2 Smile: Styx doesn't smile too much (blame that on her past) but when she does, it always seemed kinda awkward like it doesn't belong on her face.

3 greatest achievement: She joined in a mission to save another reality. (There's more but I can't spoil anything)

4 insecurities: she doesn't like fire, spiders, demons, people that resemble her sister, she gets uneasy when people stand behind her, when people see her wings, and she hates it when people make promises.

5 shortcomings: likes to do things her way, doesn't like to change her ideas(she's stubborn), and tends to ignore people if she doesn't know them well enough(she's a judgy person)

6 grief: Styx deals with grief by either acting extremely reclusive or becoming very mad.

7 dress: she like to dress in dark colors, like black and dark gray, but her favorite color is yellow. She'll wear anything with those colors, though she prefers her armor.

8 eat: she'll eat anything if irked her alive. Prefers meat.

9 theme: the song listed earlier

10 fashion sense: please do refer to question 7. Styx likes things that don't leave her arms or legs exposed.

11 family life: dead

12 romantic life: dead

13 embarrassing moment: when she and her sister Belle were younger, Styx accidentally locked herself in her room and didn't know where the key to the door was. It was still in the lock.

14 hot food: she'll literally just spit it out.

15 brain freeze: She likes the cold, buts brain freeze will have her flailing around.


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