Chapter 1 Racing Home

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Okay first off a few months back I told y'all that it would be at least sometime in September before you would even get the first chapters of the Sequel but earlier today I got the feeling that you guys missed Luka and the gang too much already, and to tell you the truth I was to. Everyone of these characters is like one of my family now and I don't like being away from my other family anymore then I have to. So I just decided screw it I'll just outline it as I go. Now without further ado my Emerald Shifters I would like to welcome you back to the wonderful world of His Alpha Her Omega. Enjoy the chapter you guys :-)


Now Luka

I breathe in and out heavily as my warm brown paws hit the icy cold water of the stream. In a fraction of a second, I leap over to the other side and my now wet paws find the soft, white snow made by the late February weather. Back at home, when I was the Omega, I used to detest cold weather. But now that I've found out I'm actually a born Alpha, I've now bulked up, and put some meat on my bones, I now very much enjoy it. Or at least I did, up until a week ago when the fun time ended.

Oh, and I should probably introduce myself. I'm Luka, former Omega and future Alpha of the Emerald Stone Pack, mate of Sophie Peterson, present Alpha. I'm supposed to be here for Alpha training for another two months, but now I and Sophie's Uncle Liam need to head home. from what you may ask. Both of my ears then slightly twitch and my eyes widen in fear as I then hear Liam's paws hit the ground along with the two other pair coming from behind me.

I turn and look behind me to see the distance gap between us and our pursuers. I let out a slight whimper, they're closer to us now only, about five feet separates the four of us. Sophie's Uncle calls them U.Ws or unknown wolves, we don't know who they are, or witch pack they came from, all we know is they mean bad news.

The first one is a medium-sized male wolf with silver eyes, white starting from his chin and going all the way down to his stomach, he also has silver-gray patches that dot his mostly dark gray fur. The second one is a smaller wolf, most likely a female. She has pretty much the same coat pattern as me but instead of russet, sandy brown and white hers is silver and white, and just like Sophie she has green eyes, but hers are light green instead of dark.

I turn back around when suddenly I trip over a root that was hidden by the freshly fallen snow. Well, it's not hidden anymore, I know where it is. As I stumble over I hear a slight pop, was that my shoulder? Well great, now I've done it, I think to myself.

"Come on Luka. Get back on your feet, hurry" Snarls Sophie's Uncle as he looks down at me. Half a second later I am able to recover my footing and start running again. My shoulder hurts but I know it's not broken, I wouldn't still be able to move it if it was. "Luka, what's going on? I can see that you're limping slightly, are you okay?" He asks with a slight grumble. Even though my shoulder hurts I'm able to get back up to the pace I was at previously, going so fast my paws barely make contact with the snow, Sophie's Uncle must've seen something in my stride for him to mention it to me.

"I think I might have sprained my shoulder when I tripped over that root a moment ago" I yelp back to him.

"It will heal within the next day," He tells me, I then let out a yawn. Sophie's Uncle then looks at me concerned. "Luka you need to rest" He lightly snarls.

I shake my head. "No, I'm okay" I huff.

He shakes his head back at me. "No. No, you're not Luka, you haven't slept in a whole week so you need to sleep" He snarls at me.

I turn towards him. "And how do you suppose I do that when we're running for our lives out here?" I ask him.

"You know the answer if you think hard enough Luka" He replies giving me a cock of his wolf's eyebrow.

Love Bite (Book 2 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series) *being edited'Where stories live. Discover now