Intermission Four: (Flashback One Part Two): Rival Hive Minds

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We arrive at the dinner. As we walk in, I look around. The dinner is packed, and a heavenly smell flows into the room from the kitchen. The walls are painted a soothing light green and the floor is white tile. The ceiling is your standard white. We sit at the counter.

"So," I start a conversation, "what's your family like?"

"Well," Antagonist replies, "I'm G.3.K's son. Silkress is my mother. I have two siblings who were canceled vessels. They were born during the last Asension. They're only a year younger than me."

At the time, I hated all hives minds, still kinda do, but that was before I learned that The Mind was lieing to me. I know now Silkress isn't as bad as The Mind said she was.

"You know Silkress?" I ask.

"Yeah," Antagonist replies, "but enough about my family. What about yours?"


"What's wrong?"

"I don't have one. How do I put this? I'm cursed. The Mind kills any family I stay with after six months. So, I just wander about the world, keeping away from anyone who may try to help me in fear they'll get killed.

"The Mind?"

"Yeah. Why do you ask?"

"Here's money for bacon. You go ahead and make the order. I gotta place a call." Antagonist hands me a twenty and walks off. I'm worried The Mind is going to hurt him, and consider leaving, but before I can dash, Antagonist returns.

"Sorry about that," he smiles kindly, "now that that's taken care of, we gotta get this bacon to go."

"Why?" I ask.

"I was just talking to Silkress," Antagonist smirks, "we're gonna help you live a happy life. We're gonna kill The Mind."

The Story On The Board: What's A "Fourth Wall?" (Book One)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang