Part 1

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I went to sleep.

I opened my eyes.

I found myself standing on top of the roof of my house, together with my best friends Kayla, Yana and Keisha. I could tell that it was about 5 pm, because at the horizon you could see a perfect sunset.

I heard people come up the stairs. Seconds later I saw Paul and two other guys I didn't particularly know.

"Who invited them?" I asked Keisha.

"I did," she had answered. "One of them is my cousin, I didn't know he would bring them with him."

All I could say to Paul was "Hey." and he replied "Hi.". As soon as I did that Keisha and Kayla started teasing me.

"You look so cute," Kayla gestured with her hands. "TOGETHER."
Paul and I protested in unison: "It's not like that!"

"Okay," Keisha winked. "then we will leave the both of you ALONE."

"Yep, enjoying each others company." Kayla said. And so everyone went downstairs, leaving me and Paul. ALONE.

But I got along with Paul, we could laugh once in a while. We could talk to each other with more than one word. We started laughing. The both of us, spontaneously laughing. I heard girls giggling from behind the door. Keisha, Kayla and Yana were spying on us! He showed me a funny YouTube video, which we watched over and over again and laughed our butts off.
Soon, his mom came up the stairs. What on earth? How does his mom know where I live? I thought.
She saw us and proposed us something. "Well, now that your mom and siblings aren't home, I could bring all of you to the mall. Would you like that?" We agreed, and we brought the others with us, of course.

Once we arrived at the mall, a chain of confusing and crazy things started happening. Paul's mom left us. She just left us, she walked away without warning. While walking through the mall, the people around us started to disappear. Keisha and Kayla disappeared too, which left the five of us. None of us had any idea of what was happening. Was this the apocalypse or something? Before we could think of a logical conclusion, a low male voice was heard behind us. We turned our backs and we saw a man dressed in black. Everything he was wearing was black, black coat, black trousers, black shoes, black gloves, black hat, black everything. We couldn't see his face properly, because it was covered with a black mask. We only saw his eyes, which, not surprisingly, were black as well.
"Okay," I whispered. "On three we run. One, two... THREE!" The man in black aimed at one of us with a gun, but fortunately he missed. We ran down the stairs. When we reached the basement, the masked man finally had stopped following us. The guys were in the basement, but I seriously needed to pee, so I tried to reach the restroom without getting shot for real this time. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to go to the toilet. As soon as I entered the restroom, I heard an old lady crying. I looked for her, and I found her hiding under the sink.

"What's the matter, um... Lady?" I asked.

"He-- He stole all of my jewellery, money and he kidnapped my dear grandson..." She sobbed.


"The masked man," she had answered. I felt sorry for the old lady, so, as the hero that I am, I promised her to find her grandson and all of her belongings. She thanked me and I left the restroom, looking out for danger, because how could you not under these circumstances. I left the old lady in the restroom and told her to stay there and use whatever thing she could use as a weapon, as a weapon. She was terribly scared, but there wasn't anything else I could do for her.

When I got to the basement, the others were already waiting for me. Once Paul saw me, he started yelling at me.

"Reign, where on earth have you been? We've been worried sick about you, you could have been killed!" He said, angrily, but with worry in his eyes. He wasn't mad at me. He just cared a lot about me. And I could appreciate that.

"Woah, dude, calm down, okay, sit down!" I said and he sat down.

I told them that I met an old lady, which had lost everything she had and how I wanted to help her. Paul refused because he didn't want us to get hurt, especially me. I get how he cares about me, but I am able to make my own choices.

"You know," Yana started. "I think Paul's got a point here. And how would we ever complete this crazy mission? We're just kids, remember? We can't do anything. We are weak."

"No," I said. "I refuse to believe that. We are not weak. We could complete this, you know? We could finish this and feel proud, or we could forget about it and feel horrible. Your choice."

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