drunk in love..

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~taehyung's pov~
I took a sip of my drink.....sips became shots...by the end of the night you could say I was completely drunk..."haega jigo nan hu biteuldaemyeo geotji
da mansinchangiro chwihaesseo chwihaesseo"I slurred. I grabbed my keys and pressed all the buttons. When I pressed the alarm button I yelled and said "AGGGHHGGHHHHHH ITS THE POLICE!!!!" I was covering my head. I then opened the car and got in
~le time skip~
I had made it safely home..I got out the car almost stumbling to the ground. I smelled of alcohol.. I walked slowly to the door , knocking obnoxiously. I didn't even care to close the door to my expensive car.. I waited for an answer or a hyung to open the door. Not but three seconds later a young boy with brown hair opened the door, it was jungkook "Taehyung??" The younger said.. "Where have you been?? It's almost midnight.". Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll explain that later...", he said pulling the younger by his arm making him gasp. Taehyung ran , probably not knowing where the world he was going.. "HYUNG!!? WHAT THE HECK!?!" Jungkook jerked back trying to get tae's grip loose enough to let his hand slip through. Taehyung on the otherhand had stopped , looking blank.. He was becoming a bit sober , but not quite yet.. He started running again , pulling the younger with him like a kid with a safety harness on. "TAEHYUNG WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!" Taehyung's memory was coming back slowly. He ran to a shed like structure. By now the two where in the woods....alone.. The house that they were staying at while they were touring seemed far. Both painting , taehyung opened the door. The light's were off , so it didn't look like much. But when the lights were flicked on.....it was glorious... It was a man cave.. One of the best Jungkook had ever seen.. "Woah.....this is so cool..." The younger announced in amazement. Before they knew it they were both playing halo 3. They both laughed when they saw a gamer who had no idea what he was doing.."NEWBBBBB!!!" they both yelled in unison. They laughed ,  both of them slowly making eye contact. Now they both were looking into each others brown eyes.. Taehyung blushed. Both were clueless on what they were doing.... Tae smiled a bit..unable to hold back his feelings...he kissed Jungkook.....
~jungkooks pov~
I felt a weird sensation build up inside me...I've never knew what true love was....could this of had been it??? Was this love??

It seemed like an eternity had gone by when they finally pulled away.
"Keep this our little secret?" The older smirked. Jungkook was now blushing.
He finally gave in.
"Sure" ....

This...was the start of something..
Something.. Beautiful

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