Day 1: The Field Trip

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"Okay c'mon kids! Listen to either Ms. Frank or I. Stay in the group and don't run off." I said as I went to the back of the school bus to make sure we had everybody.
"Alright everybody remember, we are here to make sick people feel better. So behave yourselves. Quentin, Are you allowed to do that at home?" Katie said to her son as all the other kids giggled. The bus driver then proceeded to let the kids off. Katie and I stayed back to make sure everyone got off.
"Katie" I said as we both stepped off the bus together, the kids running in front of us. "Do you know how long we are going to be here? No one told me." Katie slowed down to the same pace as me. "About an hour. Then the bus ride to the other school would be twenty minutes." I smiled and thanked her while noticing all the kids running up to a man carrying a box. "Guys!" Katie said as we walked over.
Katie ran up to the kids while I stayed behind a little. When I eventually got closer I heard her say to leave the rats alone. I walked up to the man holding the box and I saw that in it were probably six or more white lab rats. "Iris could you lead the kids inside?" Katie asked as the kids looked up at me.
"Of course, Follow me guys." I said as I lead all of them inside. A few minutes later Katie walked in and lead the kids to where they would be performing. I wandered behind a little and took in all my surroundings. I didn't mind hospitals, people here try their best to help their patients. They tried their best with my aunt but it didn't work out.

I went to where the kids would be performing and saw that patients were already settling in. I went around to a few and talked to them. "Hello." I said to an elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair.
"Well hello dear." She replied happily. Her hazel eyes were shinning bright with joy. "Are these your kids?"
I smiled but shook my head. "No. I'm a student teacher. Although I wish they were mine." She smiled and I noticed she had curly pixie cut grey hair and a spring outfit on.
"Well someday soon then. My name is Claire." Claire held out a small wrinkled hand, I gladly accepted it. "Iris Lithe." I replied.
"Did you know your last name means graceful?" I smiled and shook my head.
"No, really? No wonder I always loved ballet." Claire laughed and I saw the students going onto the stage. "I'll be right back, it was really nice meeting you." I said to Claire and got up.
"You too dear." I heard her say in her joyous voice. I walked to the front of the stage and stood in front of the kids. "You guys will do amazing. Ms.Frank and I will be in the back watching. Remember, exactly how we practiced. Good luck!" I said to the kids and walked to the back of the room, making sure to wave at Claire.

After the performance I went up onto the stage and looked out onto the crowd. "Thank you so much for having us perform for all of you. It has been wonderful." I walked off the stage as the patients clapped and started to leave. I ran up to Claire before she walked away. "It was nice meeting you Claire, maybe I'll see you next time." She smiled at me and nodded. "That would be wonderful." I said goodbye to her and walked back to where Katie gathering up the kids.
"You guys did such a great job!" I said as I walked up next to Katie, everyone smiled
"We couldn't have done it without you. Everyone say thank you to Miss Lithe for helping out." Katie said then looked at her watch. The kids said thank you in unison which made me chuckle a bit.
"Your all welcome. Now I think it's time we head back."-A chorus of 'awes' broke out-" but we would probably get the chance to do this again." The kids started cheering again.
"Okay kids lets get onto the bus." Katie said as we walked outside. I got on last to make sure everyone was on.
"12,13,14 okay everyone is on." Katie said to me. I nodded and took a seat in the front. I then heard someone sneeze, it was Britney.
"Here" Our bus driver said as he handed Katie a small bag of tissues.
"Hey! Stop!" I heard coming outside of the bus. I looked at my watch crap, we're late. "Stop! Stop!" There was banging on the door as the bus driver started the bus. He opened the door and a middle aged Doctor ran onto the bus. "Excuse me but I'm gonna have to ask you to come back in." The doctor said panting a little.
"But, we're already late." I said looking around confused.
"I know, but I can't let you go. Please, we'll explain everything once everyone gets back inside." I looked at Katie with worry and she shook her head a little.
"You heard the doctor, looks like our field trip has just been extended." She said looking at all the kids. "Everyone off."
I stood up behind Britney. "Hold on a minute Britney." Said our bus driver, he held up his arm and was looking at the doctor with worry. "You too sir." The doctor said, They both got off. Right as I stepped off I heard Quentin.
"It's okay Quentin." I looked behind to see her out her hands on Quentin's shoulders.
"It's better if you don't touch... While you move inside you need to be kept 4-6 feet apart." Katie, Quentin, and the rest of the students piled out of the bus and we all walked inside.

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