Kaname's Proposal

Start from the beginning

"Night, Ichiru." I hear his distancing footsteps, and look down at the blanket under me.

I stand up, and pull off the blanket. It made it worse! It looks like the blood spread out! I rush to the bathroom, and look for something I can clean this off with. Anything will do.


I wipe my sweaty brow as I get the last of the blood off. I managed to clean it off with a lot of shampoo, hydrogen peroxide, and the blankets. Bad news is though that I don't have blankets or shampoo to clean myself off with. I go towards the door, and unlock it.

I peek out to see if there is anyone there. The problem is that Kaito never told me where the laundry room was. If there is one. Well I never got a tour in general. He just pointed out what was there and didn't both with anything else.

I grab all the blankets, and look around for a door that might lead me to the laundry room.

"It's right across from your room." I jump, and drop the blood blankets.

"Th-this. . .I. . .Um!" I turn over to find Kaname sitting there on a couch. If I wasn't in this situation I would have fangirled at how cute he looks sitting in that single large couch.

"You took the vile of blood, didn't you?" I guess there's no point in denying it. I nod my head, and pick up the blankets. I rush towards the laundry room, and put it into the washing machine.

I step out, and close the door. I look over at Kaname, who had been watching me this whole time. I run my fingers through my messy hair. Getting it stuck a few times in the tangles. The nerves made me kind of sweaty, so I feel real gross right now. Now I feel like a scolded child.

"K-Kaname, whose blood was that?" I question him nervously. Avoiding his intense gaze. He's small and adorable, but the way he poses himself and the way he feels just gives off the feeling that he should be intimidating and respected. That's exactly what he's making me feel. Maybe it's the vampire blood inside of me, but that can't be it. Maybe it's just Kaname himself. "You know, don't you?" I question him again since he won't answer me.

"Shizuka Hio's blood." I open my eyes wide. I didn't even consider her since she's dead, at least she should be.

"She's dead, but it seems those scientists got a hold of small samples of pureblood blood. Even mine." I gulp, and put a hand to my pounding heart.

"How do you know all this? Don't tell me you're working for the Senate?" Kaname smiles, and shakes his head.

"I got that information from the man that killed himself. Through his blood." I feel my heart leap in relief that he's not on their side.

"You are relieved. You thought I was working for them." I look away with shame.

"S-sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you. I'm sorry, Kaname." I tell him, and I slightly bow my head.

"Come here." He says putting his small hand out to me. I look at him for a moment before slowly walking towards him, and putting my three longest fingers in his small hand.

"What would you have done if I was working for the Senate?" I open my mouth, but close it again.

"I-I'm not sure." I say looking away.

"Alondra." He tells me in that tone again.

"I'd be hurt. I've gotten close to you, and it would have killed me if you had betrayed me. . .my trust. I have very little of it, so I'm very sensitive to broken trust." I slightly tighten my grip on his hand, and shyly meet his eyes. My face keeps getting warm, and my nerves won't settle.

"But I'm glad you're not working with the Senate." I tell him trying to smile, but really I just want to cry at how nervous I feel.

"Your pulse is racing." I blush even brighter, and try to pull my hand away, but he holds fast.

"Don't be nervous. I can't do much in this body." I bite the inside of my cheek. Not sure what to say or how to react. What would he do if he did have his original body? That makes my brain come up with scenarios I shouldn't be thinking about.

"I-I um I should g-go and shower." I say to him as slowly as I can.

"Alondra." I wince.

"Y-yes?" I question him with a small smile.

"I am sure you are aware of my feelings for you, as I am aware that you are not indifferent to me. Yet it seems you are also not indifferent to Zero either." He tells me. Don't tell me it was that obvious?! Probably.

"Um." Yeah, that's always a great way to voice out what I have to say. I suck at these kinds of things. It's so much more easier to say in my head, and not come out sounding like an idiot. Kaname lightly chuckles. "I have never seen you look so cute when it is just us." He tells me.

"I-I'm not." I tell him, and look everywhere, but at him. He pulls my hand closer to his face, and kisses my fingers gently.

"Would you consider allowing me a taste of your blood?" I pull my hand away, and grasp it with my other hand.

"B-but I'd become a vampire if you bit me." I remind him, and I jump as his eyes shift crimson for an instant before shifting back to their regular reddish brown color.

"Yes, that's right. I'd almost forgotten. It's hard to remember my place when you make me feel human. Even in this state." He says reaching for my hand again. "I'm not going to bite you without your permission. Let me hold your hand." He tells me. I believe him, so I put my hand back in his.

"Once your confusion is settled, would you consider becoming a pureblood, and my wife?" My eyes open so wide that I feel like they might fall out of my head. Did he just propose to me?! There's no way, but he is being completely and utterly serious. I've never even had a boyfriend! Now I'm being proposed to?! Whoa, can't deal with this so suddenly.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know!" I pull away from him, and run into my room. Closing the door behind me, and locking it. What a cruel and cowardly thing to do, but this is just so sudden.

I slide down the door until I sit on the floor. I put a hand to my pounding heart, and sit there. Not sure what this huge mix of emotions is. I've been proposed to for the first time in my life. I never imagined it'd be so soon in my life. I'm only seventeen. I'm not ready for marriage. I don't even know if I lo. . .Do I even know what love really is first of all?

Both Kaname and even Zero make me feel all these weird and mixed up emotions. Is this what love feels like? Yet it can't be right that I love two people. I don't know how this will work out. This is such a huge mess. I'm a mess. What should I do? I need someone unbiased to talk to. Anyone! Please!

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