It was a dare

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~Vik's Pov~

The smell of barbecue fills the bright afternoon day. The yard is full of running children and mingling adults. Lachlan's family is having a small barbecue party that I happen to have joined in. Scanning through the midst of people below I don't see Lachlan.

I shrug and walk down the slope to join the crowd. A group of little kids ran towards me in fits of giggles. I watch as they all huddle around each other and end up shoving a rather tall kid about 8 years old with soft brown hair spiked in all directions.

He looks up at me with wide eyes. "Can you come play with us," he rushes and turns to his friends. They all give him nods and smiles of approval. "Sure," I accepted and couldn't help the big smile on my face as they started running towards a hill. The kid that approached me runs starts to run after them. "Come on!" He turns and shouts at me. I look around and check to see if I could find Lachlan. With no luck, I stumble up the hill to follow the kids.

In Australia the backyards are huge. As well as the bugs. The kids decided to travel far from the party. They gathered around a blanket that was situated near the edge of their land. It was a nice spot, despite the smell. I take in the view as the kids chat on a blanket. They were close to horses that was just beyond a simple wire fence that separates two different plots. Just to the right of the blanket was a small forest. The grass was full of wildflowers.

"Come sit with us," a little girl called up to me. I looked down from taking in the scene and see her pat an empty spot on the blanket. 8 other children were sat there looking up at me. My heart warms as I see a few just sitting on each others backs to make room for me. I take a seat quietly and they all clamor around me.

I start laughing as two of them cling onto my back and a small boy just situated himself on my lap. The rest look at me expectingly and I just stare back confused.

The boy situated on my lap and looks around at the little group. They exchange giggles and he looks up at me again. "Well you see, our cousin talks about you a lot. We were wondering if you might like him," he fumbles with his hands as I try to understand what he said.

"Who is your cousin again?" I ask him. What is this little kid talking about?

"It's Lachlan. Don't you know?" He simply states. I shake my head. "We got to change that. I'm Adrian." He lifts his hand. I take it and shake it. Immediately after the rest follow saying their names at once and I'm attacked by small child hands from all directions. I shake them all and take the time to learn their names.

"How long have you known Lachlan? And why does he talk about you so much?" A small pale girl piped up. She has thin curly blond hair, her face is full of freckles and is wearing a red with white dotted dress. I smile at the adorable child and think back to when I met him. I feel myself slip into a nostalgic feeling as I try to think back to when I met him.

"Ah it was two years ago. We met in a Skype call hosted by our good friend Mitch and we were recording videos together. I later met him in person at a convention." I retold the memory. Thinking about it made me relive the moment.

"Well what did you think of him when you saw him in person?" Asked a little boy with a nest of brown locks that gets in his eyes. "Well first of all he's tall," I told him him with a whistle. "When I talked to him over Skype I never knew he would be a giant." The kids around me shared giggles at my comment. I lean back on my hands.

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