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~Lachlan's Pov~

"Vik this picnic is lovely," I chuckle admiring the cheeky Brit. I sit on the plaid blanket playing with a blade of grass between my fingertips.

"Thank you I spent a bunch of time making sure it was quiet and beautiful just for you," Vik marvels leaning back on his hands, head tilted up looking at the branches of the tree. His neck fully exposed and attractive as hell.

I throw the blade of grass at him only for it to fall short. I sigh and lean back as well. I clench my hands feeling the soft grass slightly moist.

The park was absolutely beautiful. Vik found such a perfect spot. The sky was bright but had clouds like a veil. The trees around us the leaves were just barely changing, the slight breeze causing a few stray leaves to fall.

I look back at Vik and he was staring at me. We hold eye contact and I smile sitting up straighter.

I break the serene silence.

"Ya know what Vik I'm hungry what goodies did you pack for us," I said banterfully.

He smiles and tilts his rad, eyes sparkling.

"Well Lachy I've got a wide selection for you here." He reaches out towards the basket on the left opening it. He was real cliché this time around.

I tilt my head watching him pull out a couple bowls with a lid on them. Vik smiles at me and opens the lids revealing fruit.

"Let's start with something sweet and healthy before we get spoiled," he winks.

I lean over and grab a fistful of cherries. I plop them on my lap and twirl one of the stems in my fingers. The cherries range in color. There were several that had a soft glow of pink to the sharp red. It was eye catching. Each cherry was plump and bright.

I pull a cherry off the stem and take a bite. The cherry crunches in my teeth making a crips sound. The juice of it is sweet on my tongue hinting tartness. I pull the small fruit away from my face seeing it has a bite in it. The cherry looked like it had veins and meet just bleeding red slowly dripping on my finger.

I notice Vik staring at me. He eyes my lips. I put the cherry in my mouth and chew around the seed loving the flavor of it.

Tilting my head back a bit I spit the seed at Vik. It flies high and lands barely past my hands. The pitiful seed glistens in my spit, a few strands of the fruit clinging to it.

He scoffs and scoots in by me leaning into my side. I wrap my arm leaning on my left hand for support.

"This is nice," he sighs.

I kiss his head breathing in his hair, agreeing. The wind picks up gently sending the lively feeling on my skin electrifying me more than Vik already has. He's a special one. Sweet like the cherries and has got a tough core.

Hi tilts his head up looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes. Maybe it's the lighting but they are darker than usual.

"Hey can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue," he asks sounding innocent.

I smile at him accepting the challenge. "Let's find out shall we," I say reaching for a cherry stem on my lap.

I open my mouth sticking my tongue out and place the stem on top. I fold the stem over my tongue setting my teeth on top of it. Keeping the stem in place I use the tip of my tongue to bring the ends of the stem over making a loop.

I take the little tied cherrie stem and hold it for Vik to see.

He looks a me with a smirk. His eyes dark, pupils dilated. I know that look.

He's thinking of the not so innocent things.

Hey guys sorry for the really long wait for this update hope you all enjoyed this oneshot ya filthy animals.

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