Meant to be part 1

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AU to where Lachlan is immortal.

Immortality. Something people strive for. Something I'm cursed with.


There has always been word buzzing around that the immortals live amongst us. The government would occasionally warn us to watch out for these people. They are going to be in pictures you've seen from your grandmothers photos. They don't die so we would eventually sort them out and find where they are.

The government hasn't pushed a very hard effort on it because they constantly move around so they don't get attached for too long. I've done my research on them. It fascinates me how they can watch how technology advances.

Apparently the government needs the immortals and learn about them. They could be a threat and we should learn how they live forever so we can turn it into a product.

I don't really agree with it I mean wouldn't immortals be just like us except smarter?


I sometimes look back at how naive I was. How wanting I was. Psh immortality, once people understand it they'd be revolted. But no the government wants to conduct experiments so everyone can be immortal.

Not only are we protecting ourselves we are protecting everyone else.


I started noticing something wasn't right when i noticed my brother aging and I wasn't.

At first I was so excited. But after a while my mother noticed and told me, "Lachlan you know what this means right?"

Of course I'm going to have so much fun so much time to do anything everything.

That wasn't the right answer she told me, "We will be leaving you and you'd be left behind, stuck."

I never really understood what she meant, until the people close to me started dying. I realized now why this is not good.

I had no idea what to do, for a few years I kept at the house until one day someone came to my door. I don't get many visitors often so this was very odd.

"Hello this is Karen from the underground protection program for the immortals. They're are people like you and I Lachlan that need to protect this world from this curse. The government is very dangerous to us from experience the testing a that they do are extremely painful and inhumane it kills the immortals yet it's nearly impossible to kill us, but they did. This may seem like an overload of information but please take your stuff close to you and pack up we are going to a safe place."

I just stood by the door trying to take in what happened.
"Tick rock Lachlan we need to hurry I'm sorry this is sudden but please trust me you'll be safer," they try to comfort me.

I guess I might as well go. I grab all my favorite clothes nick naks and everything I loved that would fit in my suitcase. Walking out of the house for the last time I question where the direction of my life will go now.

Hey hope you enjoyed this it may be boring right now but trust me it picks up ;)

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