Jocelynn's Story.

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I walked through the front door of the small, blue house, my older sister, Kylie, and I lived in. Since she was older she took on a motherly role quite early. She was only a few years older than I was but our mother committed suicide when we were only toddlers. Unfortunately our mother did not know who our father was and no immediate family could take us in thus making us custody of the state. We were moved around from foster home to foster home. Each one worse than the last. Between the physical abuse we suffered the emotional abuse was more damaging. We were always considered a burden. When my sister turned 18 she took me away

"Kylie I'm home from school! I yelled, setting my gray backpack down on our old rusted dining table. It groaned underneath the weight of my textbooks. I figured she was already home because her car was in the driveway.

There was no answer. I shrugged it off assuming she was taking a bath or in her bedroom. She had set out chicken to thaw, so I got a pan out and began to place it on there then put it in the oven and set the timer for an hour. I walked away to start on my English paper that was due in just a few days.

An hour had passed by quicker than I thought and still no sign of Kylie. I sighed deeply causing my pink -obviously dyed- hair to fall in front my face, I pushed it back and took the chicken out and set up plates for dinner.

"Kylie!" I called out "Dinner's ready!"


I furrowed my brows in confusion, why wasn't she answering me? Fear started to course through my veins when I walked into her bedroom and saw no sign that she was there. I ran to the bathroom; nothing. Out the back door; still nothing.

I started breathing heavily and my pulse sped up. I could see that her car was in the driveway so she must be here.

That's when all of a sudden the front door slammed open and came walking in was a drunken Kylie who reeked of alcohol. My hand flew up to my mouth I was in total shock and disbelief. My sister never drank. What the hell!

"Hey duuude!" she slurred walking over to me and sloppily putting her arm around me.

"Kylie what the hell! Are you drunk?!" I yelled

"Wow you're pretty stupid aren't you?" she laughed

"This isn't funny. Why are you drunk? I asked pulling away from her and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because I can be!" she yelled suddenly, causing me to jump back.

"Gosh you're so annoying Jocelynn! Why can't you just let me have fun." She said stepping closer to me, her long blonde hair falling messily in her face.

"You have a job to be at tomorrow, you can't show up with a hangover!" I yelled back.

"I can do whatever I want!" she yelled back, and that's when it happened.

She slapped me hard across the face.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and my hand flew to my cheek that was now stinging. I just stared at her. She looked at me, not moving, not even realizing what she's done, then it hit her.

"Oh my God Jocie!" she screamed trying to pull me into a big hug.

"I'm so sorry! that'll never ever happen again!" She sobbed whilst holding me. I tried to pull away, as I felt the hot tears stream down my face.

I wiggled myself out of her tight grip and backed away, horrified that she lay a hand on me.

"Please believe me, I am so sorry, I love you so much, I didn't mean it, I just got so frustrated and lost control." She was crying harder than I was. Something in me told me to forgive her and forget about it. So that's exactly what I did- well at least tried to.

(A/N: Thanks for reading! c: there will be more!!! Please vote, comment, and fan! I'd appreciate it so much!! (:

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