Chapter Two

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Picking up his book he looked towards where his name was being called from, standing up slowly he stretched and walked over "Hey Aaron.. my name has a H in you know? Harry, not 'arry" He replied as he reached his friend, rolling his eyes a little. "Meh, Harry, 'arry, same difference.. that thing just now, did you see it?" Harry nodded his head as he looked at his friend, they were the same height, although Harry did seem taller because of the way he stood, his back always straight and head up. "Yeah, what was it? it looked like some sort if dog or something" Aaron shook his head slowly "It weren't no dog, it were a wolf, although everyone 'as their own opinion on what it is, some say 'tis an evil spirit that got lost an' now haunts this village, others say it's just a scared stray, living on scraps an' that it is scared of humans" Harry looked at the sky, as he always did when deep in though, before finally turning his head to face his friend "I'm gonna catch it and find out what it really is" He replied with a determined look on his face "You sure about that? No-ones ever got close to it 'afore, let alone been able to catch it" Aaron raised an eyebrow slightly, shaking his head as he did so "I guess I'll be the first to do it, then!" He turned towards the forest and took a step towards it, Aaron pulled him back a little and looked him in the eye "Fine but first lemme warn ya, it won't be easy. some even say that it's made o' shadows... Just, be careful an' don't get killed!" Harry nodded his head and adjusted his backpack so it was easier to carry, after putting his book in there first of course. "Alright, see you when I get back" He said as he waved, walking towards the forest, his hunting knife in his hand.

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