Chapter 10

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Audrey's Point Of View
Right now I'm getting ready for the concert I curl my hair then put it up in a high ponytail. My makeup is dark smokey eye winged eyeliner and red lipstick. I was really anxious for this concert to be over so we could go to my brother's party. A real college party and I couldn't wait.
-Skip Concert-
I change my outfit and take my hair out of the ponytail and leave it down just brush our the kinks a little bit then change my lipstick to a matte nude color. Caroline gets hoed up wearing a short tight ass dress. I give a look
"What?" She asks acting like its no big deal.
"A little short isn't it?" I ask kind of laughing at her.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She smirks
We meet all the boys in the lobby the van only held 6 people so Caroline sat on Jakes lap and I sat on Nate's. The drive wasn't that long and I was comfortable with Nate since we were practically dating. I look at Nate and he's talking to sam who's beside him. Nate smiles making his dimples show and I am in awe. he then looks at me and his smile grows wider. I smile at him and we both lean in for peck.
"So uh... I was wondering" Nate starts he begins to tense up. "If uhm maybe you'd like to uh..."
"Nate what? Spit it out" I encourage him.
"If you... Uh wanted to I mean liked the movie we saw a couple days ago" Nate finally finishes but it seemed like that's not what he wanted to say.
I look at him weirdly "uh yeah it was good" I just leave him be. I kiss his cheek then lean my head on his shoulder. I wonder what he was so nervous to ask me about...

Nate's Point Of View
Okay okay I choked. Like really badly I am never going to forgive myself Sammy just kinda looks at me weirdly mouthing what the fuck you pussy. I just nod mouthing I know don't talk about it.
This was so embarrassing but she makes me so nervous. Why am I like this usually I just hit it and quit it but instead I asked this girl on a date? Ugh this is going to hurt my rep. Maybe I should just forget about her... She wouldn't be happy with me anyway I didn't deserve her...

Audrey's Point Of View
-at the party-
I have lost every single person I came here with... The whole crew! At first I just tried to act chill but then Thad kept hitting on me and I was getting really uncomfortable. So now I'm looking for someone that I know okay well mostly Nate but I was getting desperate I walk around the main floor of the house no one. I walk up the stairs I nervously open the first door no one was there so I close the door second door I open it a threesome in the midst I quickly apologize and shut the door I quietly laugh to myself shaking my head. I open the door on the other side of the hall since the lights were half on. I stopped shocked I couldn't believe what I was seeing Nate was kissing another girl they were lying on the bed.
Nate stops and looks at me and mutters 'fuck'
"Fuck you Asshole." I yell at him I storm out he tries to run after me yelling my name telling me to stop I don't I go into the busiest part of the house so I could lose him after I get to the front door I look behind me I lost him. I walk out without telling anyone. I call a cab and wait at the end of the driveway I text my brother saying sorry I couldn't say goodbye Nates an ass Alex quickly replied saying he didn't want to know what's going on and that he understands.
The cab comes I get him to take me to the hotel I text Caroline a quick summary but also mentioning that I didn't want to stop her from having fun and that she better have a good rest of the night. Then I text Johnson telling him that he was right about Nate I pay the cab driver leaving him a tip I almost run to the elevator I was so anxious to get in the room and just cry my eyes out.
I thought maybe I could change him or he wasn't as bad as everyone thought, he would be different with me. But no I'm not special I don't know why I would think that. As soon as I get to my hotel room I take off all my clothes and run the bath I put my hair in a messy bun and take off my makeup when the bath is ready I step in and just try to relax I put my phone on shuffle Another Night by Mac Miller starts playing. I love this song sums up what needs happen. Just not look at my phone get away from all the drama and the worries. I came here to dance not to fall in love with some boy. My real love is with performing and dance.

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