Chapter 9

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Audrey's Point Of View.
Right now we are on the tour bus on our way to New Jersey. I cannot wait!! My brother goes to school here so we got tickets to see his football game!! His name is Alex he is the quarterback and his best friend Sam or Sammy is the mascot haha he's never been the most athletic person. (A/N yes I am using the characters from Blue Mountain state :p) I haven't seen my brother in almost a year because he's been away, I miss him so much! Since we are staying here for two nights again we get to sleep in a hotel. I'm just chillin in the back of the bus listening to music starting to doze off. Think I'm going to take a nap ;)

I get woken up by someone shaking me and calling my name.
"Yes I'm up what do you want?" I say annoyed
"We are here grumpy pants" Jake says I just brush it off laughing. I grab a small bag and put just the essentials that I need... my costume, hair stuff, makeup, clothes, pajamas... The list goes on. As all us dancers were leaving our bus the boys were leaving theirs
"Are you guys excited to watch my brothers game?!" I shout over to them excited to see my brother again.
They all nod and say something like yes or very excited.
Me and Caroline are once again sharing we quickly freshen up and we both change outfits. (A/N my outfits are at the top now :))
I grab the tickets and put them all in my bag I order a can to take all of us. Then quickly texting the boys telling them that me and Caroline are finished getting ready and we will meet you guys in the lobby. Caroline and I are the first down to the lobby we stand waiting by the exit I see Nate and right away he looks at me grabbing my hands saying "you look beautiful."
I blush and try to hide my face in his chest
"Lil' mama don't hide. " Nate laughs
Lil mama? That's a new one.
I look up straight at him with my chin against his lower chest (torso ish? Idk) he smiles at me he was leaning down to kiss until Johnson thought it would be funny to ruin the moment. The guys laugh and Caroline just give the look saying 'I'm sorry he did that to you but it was funny'
I shake it off and we walk outside get into the taxi van and set off to the the football stadium. The whole ride there I talked about my brother and Sammy and how funny they are. The guys will like them for sure!
-skip football game-
My brothers team won! We all cheered Alex through multiple amazing passes for touchdowns and even ran once for touchdown they were phenomenal!! Alex texted me saying he'll meet me at the front and take us to the goat house to meet all of the team. The goat house is where they live I think? Like the nickname for it I guess. We wait out front until I see Alex and Sammy
"ALEX!" I shout running and hugging him
"Hey lil sis" he says smiling hugging me back
I pull back and introduce everyone
"Alex this is Caroline, Jake, Dan, Nate, Sam, Jack and Jack. Guys this is my brother Alex and his best friend Sammy." They all say hi to eachother and I go to hug Sammy
"Hey hot stuff where's my blow job" Sammy says thinking he's funny I laugh and pinch his arm
"You're disgusting!" I shout at him.
"Sam is really gross you guys will get used to it soon... Anyway let's go to the goat house." We walk about five minutes until we see this kinda large old house that needs a paint job and lots of cleaning up. There's red solo cups, bras, underwear, bear cans, anything you name it and it's probably there.
"Okay guys this is the goat house" Alex says he then opens the door "and this is the team" he gestures for us to walk in.
"This is Harmon he really likes drugs" Alex says walking over to a guy sitting in a chair he waves.
We walk into another room that looks like a pig stye it's so messy.
"This is Donnie he likes.... Uhm food?" Alex says Donnie smiles at us then goes back to his phone
Then Alex leads us into another part of the house that looks like the bar there are two guys there one that's behind the bar making a drink and the other sitting on a bar stool laughing and cheering him on

"This is Larry" pointing to the guys behind the bar. "This is Thad he's the team captain and really fucked up" Alex says pointing to the guy on the bar stool
Thad notices us and walks over draping his arm over Alex's shoulders
"Hey! Bro beans who's this pretty lady" Thad says pointing at me
"This is Audrey my sister" Alex explains I smile awkwardly at him.
"Well any of Alex's sisters is a sloot of mine! I have cocaine in my room if you want" Thad says trying to take my hand.
"Uuuuh no thank you" I say really uncomfortable
"That's alright it's your loss! LARRY is my mojito ready?!" Thad yells outrageously loud
"Yes Thad it's here" Larry says in a calm tone handing him the mojito
"We are having a party tomorrow night it would be nice if you guys came." Thad says after taking a sip of his drink
"Yeah I'm sure we can after our concert if we are up for it." I say as kindly as possible.

Nate Maloley's Point Of View
Oh my god why does every guy have to flirt with her? Like the first guy straight up asks for a blowjob and the other one calls her a sloot? Then asks if she wants cocaine these guys are crazy! And what guy drinks a mojito?? I just want Audrey to be mine I think tomorrow maybe before the concert and especially before the party so I don't have to see her talking and flirting with other guys.

(A/N if you guys haven't watched the show or seen the movie Blue Mountain State these characters may seem a bit odd and hard to understand but I'm sure you guys get the idea comment/message/vote for me I will be finishing this story as quick as I can let me know what you guys think so far!)

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