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Link to dance:
Audrey's Point of view
I'm sitting at home surfing the internet looking for gigs for dance and right now I can't find anything I feel my phone buzz in my pocket signaling that I have a text it's from my friend April On our group chat I have with 2 of my other friends Maria and Claire

(Text conversation)
April : yo bitches I'm bored lets do something
Maria: I'm Down
Claire: Ya me too
Me: sorry guys I can't :/
April: wtf why
Me: I'm looking for gigs and tours I can audition for
Maria: will all comeover and help you
Claire: Idc what we do
April: I'm bored af
Maria: ok y'all bring yo laptops

My friends are so nice thank god we all matured because we used to fight like animals back in middle school and some of high school it was horrible after 5 minutes they walk in I've known them for so long they don't even knock anymore...
"Yo wassup biotch ready to dance your ass off at a gig that we will find for you?" April says
"Sure man whatever" I laugh
We all go on our laptops on our kitchen table looking at random sites
"What about this you could be in a play?" Claire shows me her laptop screen with the information
"Hell no I am not acting" I say
"Ok what about this?" Maria shows me her laptop screen for a street dance crew
"That doesn't make me money" I reply
"I know you'll like this one" April continues "dancer needed for a tour called jack&jack they sing and they need dancers who specialize in HipHop AND they only need to send in an audition tape with their resume and contact info" April smiles proud of herself
"Who's jack&jack?" I ask
"Who cares" April smirks
"Ok gimme the email address" I reply
April reads out the email address I send a video of me Dancing along with my resume and information
" please, please let me get this job Please!!" I beg to no one
I click send
"Alright let's go get some ice cream" I say In a nervous and happy mood
"I'm sure you'll get the job you are a phenomenal dancer" Maria says
"Thank you" I smile
As you can already tell Maria is the nice one. Claire is the shy one and April is the loud funny one I don't know where I stand in our group but it never bothered me to ask
Nate Maloley's Point Of View
Gilinsky, Johnson, Sammy and I where watching dance videos with our manager trying to pick out dancers we like for tour to be honest I don't care it's just dance
"Ok what did you guys think of her" the manager says pausing the video
We just roll eyes not caring
"Ok I'll put her down as no" he says writing stuff down on a piece of paper
"Ok there are about 5 more videos left then you guys can leave" the manager says suddenly we all perk up knowing that we could leave soon
Mrs. Carter by Beyoncé starts playing this girl with long brown walks on stage in the video (play video up to)

she was really good
"What did you guys think of her" the manager says as the video ends
"Yes" I say right away
"Thanks for finally participating Nate" the manager says the guys laugh
We watch 4 more videos saying no or yes depending on wether we thought they were good or not
"Ok you boys are free to go but I'll see you in two days when the dancers get here for another audition" the manager says
"Whatever" Johnson says and we run away

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