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Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump thumpthumpthump

Was all I heard in my head. I hate being able to hear people heart beats. But I knew who's this belonged to. Jackson.
He had grown suspect to my dad and Kate's list of who the second beta could be. But what they don't know is that it's Scott and that there are three of us now. Even though I don't know if I would classify as a beta. 

I turned the corner to see my dad talking to Jackson. I pulled up and rolled the window down.
"Hey!" I called out to them.
"Hey Chris," my dad called out, "Jackson seems to be having some car trouble we where checking to see what the problem was.

At the sight of me Jackson paled. To bad I'm on the other side other wise I would be enjoying this instead of freaking out.
"There is a shop down the street, I'm sure they have a tow truck! I'll give you a lift!" I called out to him. Jackson seemed hesitant at first but I gave him a look saying get in the damn truck.

He walked forward timidly and when he was about to open my door my dad called out to us.
"Boys!" We looked over to see him start the car. "Told you I knew a little something about cars!"

With that he got in his SUV and drove away. In a flash I was out of my Truck and right next to Jackson.
"Man you're just a whole new level of stupid," I informed him.
"Says the boy that hunts werewolves," Jackson shot back. I rolled my eyes and leaned against my truck.
"You see I'm kinda on Scotts side, since he was bit by a crazy psycho werewolf that happens to be Derek's uncle..... Not a fun person."

"Wait you know who it is!?" Jackson asked perking up.
"Yep,but I don't know where to find him, and no I'm not helping you get the bite," I answered.
"Why!?" He complained.

"Let's see, you hear and smell things you don't want to, oh the hunters suck, and there are always and I mean this other wolves trying to kill you."

"Yeah but McCall can run fast and jump far, he has super strength basically super human abilities! I don't see a downside!"
"Here's the down side, you have to keep the secret from everyone you care about! You have to explain why you come home with bruises but they are gone in the morning, you have to explain why you go crazy every full moon! It's not something you want!" I tried to convince him.

"Oh and how would you know?" He growled.
"Because I'm one of them! I have to live a lie now because when I was busy saving your lives at the school the ass bit me! And I turned! I don't even know what I am, but I was lucky that I can control it! But for you it won't be like that, you are a selfish rich prick that's over his head!"

"Says the person who stole my girlfriend!" He exclaimed pushing me backwards. I clutched my fist my knuckles turning white.
"I didn't treat her like shit! Don't act like you even cared for her! I see the way you stare at my sister!" I growled.
"Well guess what, you treated her like she was Aphrodite and she cheated on you with your closest friend, while you where in the hospital dying! Your no different than me!"

I swung my fist catching him in the jaw. He fell to the ground holding his face looking up at me amazed.  "I'm nothing like you!" I growled as I turned towards my truck.
"Get me what I want and I'll leave Allison alone, and Lydia's all yours."

I smirked and turned towards Jackson.
"Allison makes her own choices,  and I don't need your help with Lydia. And if you ever do get the bite, I'll still kick your ass." With that I got into my truck and drove away.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I tried and failed to track Derek and Peter. It was like they vanished.

I leaned on a tree in the woods running my forehead. My head still stung from being zapped in the head with. Like did I really have to get zapped in the head, maybe it could of been throw me out of the window day! But no, now
I'm stuck with a killer headache.

Suddenly my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Scott was Calling me.

"Derek lured Jackson to his house! He thinks he's getting the bite but Derek's going to kill him, I need help I can't take Derek!" He exclaimed.

"On my way!" I informed him hanging up.
I sprinted off in the direction of Derek's house and jumped in the half burned down side.


I climbed up to the second story and found Scott there as well.
"Excuse me," I growled out. Every head snapped in my direction.
"Co captain!" Scott and I growled at the same time jumping down the flight of stairs.

"Fine I'll just kill all three of you," Derek boasted. I smirked and extended my claws and flashing my eyes.
"Try me."

With that Derek lunged at us. "Jackson run!" Scott ordered.

Derek slid over my back and kicked Scott away causing Scott to crash through a wall. He turned to me and roared.

I lunged at him punching him in the face. He went for the strike but I caught his forearm with mine. He tried to slash but I caught his wrist. We struggled for position before I finally flipped him over me.

Which was not a good idea since he kicked me in the back causing me to land face first on the stair well. Blood came oozing out of my nose and onto my shirt.

"That's it," I growled.
"What are you going to say, nobody makes me bleed my own blood?" Derek asked annoyed.

"No," I defended myself, "I was going to say this is my favorite t shirt!" I then kicked him into the wall a beam falling from it as well. Derek spun in the air and went to kick me but was tackled down by Scott.
"Nice timing," I applauded.

Suddenly Gun shots flew into the house one catching me in my side. Scott was hit twice in the gut causing him to stumble backwards and hit the wall.

"Chris GET HIM OUT OF HERE!" Derek ordered. I nodded and grabbed Scott who was spitting out blood.
"Don't worry Scotty I got you," I informed him as we sprinted out of the house away from the hunters.
"They're going to kill him!" Scott cried out.

"No, Kate won't, but they are going to torture him," I informed Scott. He spit out blood and I noticed he had been hit with wolfsbane. He was starting to black out.

"Hey stay with me!" I ordered.
"Everything hurts! How are you not dying!" He asked.
"Adrenaline!" I lied. Truthfully I didn't fee a thing. Mainly I felt like I was healing not having a virus going through me.

Scott suddenly stopped helping me support him and he fell to the ground.
"SCOTT!" I yelled.

I picked his unconscious body off the ground and sprinted as fast as I could towards Deaton's vet shop.

"Don't you die on me!" I yelled.

"But you're a vet," I heard Scott groan from out side the shop.
I sighed in relief as I stopped listening to there conversation.

My phone gave me an alert and I checked it.

1 missed message from Stiles - "I got my dad drunk found some stuff out I sent you an email
97 missed messages from Lydia
3 missed messages from Allison.

I opened my phone and checked The messages that Allison sent me.

1- Hey tell dad I'm going over to Scotts
2- Stop ignoring Lydia
3- Need you right now, plz freaking out.

I got up and Told Scott I'd see him soon and I ran to my house. I was leaning on my parked truck when I saw Allison pull up. She seemed really shaken up.

"Allie what's wrong?" I asked. She got of the car and embraced me in a hug. "Kate showed me, she showed me everything."

My eyes widened as she clutched onto my body. I hugged her back but I had a glare on my face.

Kate I'm coming for you and when I find you your not going to like what happens.

Hope you liked the chapter! And Friday this week will be a double update because why not!? Right? Tell me what you think, and plz check out my other story's it mean a lot to me.

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