This Can Mean Everything Or Nothing At All

Start from the beginning

I wonder; how he's doing? Does he even miss me?


He's teh Oliver Sykes, he doesn't need some girl holding him down. And I won't. If more than heart break, I hate standing in people's way.

I need an escape.

I need to leave this place.

I need to do the only thing I know best. Drink, hook up, and wallow in sorrow.

But first, I would have to see my brother. He's the only one who knows about Oliver's random visits. A couple months ago, I almost asked him to move in with me. But then of course, I thought I was well enough to live on my own. But, I'm not. I need company. Another human being who isn't a cold heartless bastard as myself.

My doorbell rang and for a minute, I thought someone heard my thoughts and sent the people to come take me away. But when I opened the door, I was wrong. Instead, it was a man I haven't seen since their first album came out. And boy have they changed. At first, I only noticed the mane of lion hair, but soon, I saw the rest of the boys flocking behind him.

"Uhm, hi?" They all stepped into my house. All uninvited. One face was new to me. Something about him made me very uneasy.

"Hey." I glare at the direction the voice came from. Man, he's gained wieght last time I saw him, which was years ago.

"What do you all want?" I ask them. Lion mane boy steps forward but I back away. "I would keep your distance if you know what's good for you Ben."

"Since when did you become so cold love?" Danny asks as he puts a hand on my neck. I slap him across the face. There's five men in my living room, men who might as well be strangers, except for the ironic part that one of them is a stranger. Danny's breath reeked of alcohol and I was suddenly afraid. All of them seem to be drunk. But I can tell James wasn't. He walked up and put a hand on Danny.

"What the hell are you all doing here?" I asked again, my voice raising. Ben smirks at Cam and then I'm hoisted over Ben's shoulder. "HEY!"

"WE GOT HER!!!" They run out of my flat and into the bloody cold outside. I'm still in my short shorts and my oversized sweater. My Vans are unlaced and slowly slipping off.

"AH! BEN!" Even though I was trying to keep my anger, it feels good to be free and with human contact. I start to laugh and giggle and that's when I hear it.

"SHE'S LAUGHING!!!" They yell. Ben starts to run faster and I laugh. Ben stops to set me down and twirl me around in circles. Once he set me down I took off running again, in the direction of my flat. I heard the guys chasing after me, but I didn't stop. I ran into the flat and slammed the door shut, locking it.

I slid down the door crying.

I'm happy, they tried to make me happy, and it scares me.

And not only that, I saw Oliver. While Ben was twirling me, I saw him. I know it was him. The rose tattoo on his neck was a dead give away. And he was kissing a girl. A girl who is so much prettier than me. I rip the necklace from my neck and fling it across the room. I run up to the bathroom and I take my phone from my hood pocket and slam it against the mirror. I grab a piece of the glass before desending down the stairs. I take the glass vase that belonged to us and sent it crashing to the floor. I knocked down all the photos of Oliver and I. I took the box that has gifts sent from him and crashed in. A photo fell out and I picked it up. It was a photo of the time Oliver pulled my hair over my face and put my sunglasses on and he took the picture while kissing me on the cheek.

I grabbed a lighter and lit the picture up. I let the picture fall and watch the fire spread to the box full of letters and endless pictures. I watched my living room catch on fire before walking up the stairs and into my room. I packed all my belongings into two bags. Cothes, jewlery, shoes, undergarments. I tossed them all in the bags, leaving my room bare except for teh frunitrue. I opened the window and threw them out. I opened the door and saw that the fire was now spreading up to my room. I walked back towards the window and hopped out as soon as the fire reached my room. Landing on the bags, I pulled myself from my flat and watched it catch on fire. I grabbed my phone and dialed my brother's number.


"Make room. I'm coming to live with you for a while." And I hung up.

"MEEDIE-OH MY GOD!!!" It was Ben's voice. I heard someone dial 999. I started to cry. I'm a mess. My cat, Mittens, comes running from the backyard, where it runs to a lot, and I go to pick it up.

"Hey Mittens." He wiggles out of my arms and runs to James.I feel something in my pocket and I pull it out.

The song lyrics and the necklace.

I collaspe to my knees and cry.

I wish I stayed in that fire.

Never in my life have I wanted to die so much.

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