"So then what did you do?" Madeline seemed almost afraid to ask.

"Did you know how close you were to succeeding?" Katherine asked back. "My mom argued with my dad every night that you were there. She used to hold Holly or me and cry in the middle of the night. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see her silhouette outside, casting spells or practicing her sword skills. She was ready to fight you." The memories on the wall showed younger versions of Katherine's parents and Madeline. Katherine's mom was pulling out her sword, while Katherine's dad tried to stop her. Both Katherine's mom and Madeline were shouting at each other, and they looked ready to tear each other apart, weapon or no weapon.

"The night you brewed the potion, I was ready." Katherine continued. "You thought I was asleep when my parents went out. You thought no one knew what you were doing. When you went out of the kitchen to check something you heard at the door, I snuck down to your cauldron. I switched the white grounded powder with regular white sugar, and the bunch of leafy green plants with harmless parsley. You never noticed a thing."

We all saw Katherine, in her light blue nightgown, sneak down the stairs with two bags in hand. She tiptoed up to the counter where all the ingredients were laid out and swept the white powder and green plants into one bag. Then she poured the contents out of her other bag and placed a handful of parsley onto the counter. We saw her carefully arrange everything so that everything seems to be the same way. Then she seemed to hear something. Katherine's head whipped around in fear, and she hurriedly scampered back upstairs. Moments later, Madeline strode in, humming. She sprinkled the ingredients into the cauldron, not knowing that two ingredients were switched.

"That's why," Madeline whispered. "That's why the color didn't come out exactly right. That's why your father wasn't affected when I muttered the spell! I can't believe I was sabotaged by a four year old. Those two ingredients were the two most vital parts of the potion. How did you know?!"

"Let's just say that they were the easiest to find substitutes for," Katherine said with a small smile. "And I was a smart child, if my parents do say so."

Madeline took a deep breath and morphed back into the middle-aged version of herself. She eyed Katherine up and down and, to our surprise, began to clap slowly.

"Good job Katherine," Madeline said with a small smile. "You are the one I am looking for. You were smart and brave and just, even when you were little."

Katherine relaxed her tense shoulders and fists, but her gaze never wavered from Madeline's face. Her expression was puzzled. "What? You're not mad or vengeful over what I've done?"

"No. What's past is past. And besides, it was my fault back then. I was a foolish young sorceress. I hope it's not too late to apologize." Madeline bowed her head in a respectful gesture. Katherine looked taken aback.

"Oh. Uh...um..." She met my eyes momentarily for help. I shrugged. "That's okay. I think I'll try and forgive you, and tell my mom that you said sorry."

"Okay. Now enough of catching up. I did tell you I was here on a mission, right?" Madeline was suddenly serious again. "Can the chosen seven please all stand up? Everyone else move back." There was a shuffling of feet as the customers in the inn scooted far to the other side and we stepped forward in an awkward circle around Madeline. She turned slowly, looking at each of us: Ashley and Rachel in their sorceress dresses, Aaron by the door, Katherine with her alert gaze, Lucian, Jason, and me with our swords still drawn...

"Yes. An impressive group. The prophecy has not failed," Madeline mused. "I can see the power in you, but what powers I cannot tell. You want to demonstrate for me?"

We looked at each other like, Can we trust this lady? But I mean, everyone already knows who we are, so there's no point in hiding anymore.

I caught Aaron's eye and nodded. He swirled his hand in the air, and a powerful gust of wind elevated all the loose dining ware. Madeline's skirt billowed in the wind. Carefully, Aaron set all the plates and cups back down again, breaking nothing.

Next, Lucian stretched out his hand and fire erupted from his palms. He shot a streak into the air, making the people draw back; but before the fire could burn anything, Jason shot a column of ice to meet Lucian's fire. The melted water rained down on Madeline, but with a wave of her hand it all disappeared.

"The boys are all elemental masters," Madeline said with a glimmer in her eyes. "You, I take it, are the master of all elements?" She looked at Jason.

"Yes ma'am." He replied stoically.

"Now, I know that you are the healer and you are the spellmaster." Madeline pointed to Rachel and Ashley in turn. "But both of you are powerful sorceresses. Now what about you?" Her emerald green eyes pinned me under her gaze.

"I am the mastermind," I answered, glad that my voice didn't quiver. "The strategist and otherwise leader of this group." Okay that last part was a bit far-fetched, but I wanted something to impress Madeline.

"Ah. The mastermind. Okay, that's cool too," Madeline said, and then turned to Katherine. "That leaves you, Katherine. I take it you're the warrior?"

"Yes I am. But you do know that everyone else here is also fairly decent at swordsmanship right?" Katherine said. Madeline smiled.

"Of course I know that. The chosen seven have to be able to protect themselves and wield a weapon, don't they? But you, Katherine, you are the best of all of them."

"I..." Katherine was speechless. We all nodded in agreement.

"You are, Kath," Aaron said.

"You're better than all of us," Rachel agreed. Madeline looked at Katherine with triumph.

"You are the one I'm looking for. The reason for my whole mission. Then again, I never told you what my mission was, did I?"

"Then stop sidetracking and tell us," Katherine said impatiently. Madeline sighed and tsked.

"Just like your parents, fiery and true. I'll tell you about my mission. But before that..." Madeline spun around suddenly and shouted "Dormiunt oblitus!" Her wand shot out a streak of mint green magic. As we watched, horrified, all the people in the inn slumped and became unconscious.

"What did you do?!" I turned to Madeline and demanded. "They're just innocent civilians!"

"Calm down," Madeline replied calmly. "They're only asleep. When they wake up they will have no memory of this. Or would you rather have the news spread that two of the chosen seven are powerful sorceresses?"

"Oh yeah...that's true..." I turned pink with embarrassment.

"Besides, what I'm about to tell you should be for your ears only. It's a reason why I showed up as an old hag, and not as my normal figure." Madeline looked around to make sure that everyone was asleep.

"Children, you are all in terrible danger."

A/N: asdfghjkl finals are stressing me out. Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes! I hope you all are still enjoying the story, because it's gonna get even better. ;) Thanks for reading!

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