"What is wrong with you?!"

"She's telling the truth!"

"That's Louis's girlfriend!"

"How could you not know this?"

"Do your research!"

"Let her through!"

The fans began to try to defend me.

"See!" I gesture at them.

"You will get to the back of the line or I will personally have you escorted away from the venue entirely!" He says sternly.

"Yeah you do that," I roll my eyes "I could have you fired." I say.

"Darling I'm giving you 5 seconds.."

"Don't darling me" I snap and pull out my phone from my purse and instantly click #1 on my speed dial: Louis


Louis Pov

"Has anyone seen Jo?" I shout once again, pacing back and forth.

I continue to search every room backstage.

"Louis she's probably just a little late calm.."

"A little? The show is about to start in 7 minutes, I need her here! She comes to every show. She said she would be here!" I yell frustratedly.

I see Paul and two other large guys passing through the room about to rush down somewhere, I run up and stop him, "Paul have you seen Josie?"

The other two keep going past us and through the doors.

He tries to side-step me but I step with him. "Louis move I don't have time for this!"

"Have you seen her?" I repeat.

"No Louis, I haven't! Now move, apparently there's some girl causing trouble up front and.."

"Umm.. Paul you may want to see this." One of the guards say through the walkie-talkie.

My phone then rings and I instantly look down at it and answer, "Where the heck are you?!"

"I'm out front!" I immediately then turn and begin to sprint towards the front doors of the arena. Paul follows, going in the same direction.

The Accident // L.T.Where stories live. Discover now