Chapter Seventeen: Broken-Hearted

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Last on Our Angle Isabella...

I felt EJ come over and hug me, and I swore I heard Kol growl. "It's not your fault Bells. We knew what would happen." He said and I heard Beck's say, "Your like a sister to me and I won't let Nik hurt you anymore than what he already did." I stiffened and broke away from EJ. I turned around and looked at them. "Still I don't want anybody scarifying themselves for me. I can't let anyone else die for me." I said as I remembered what happened that night 90 years ago.

Bella's P. O. V.

90 years ago

I was running, running from Klaus. Ever since I had met him he had been after me, more precisely my blood. I had figured out that my blood could help him create more hybrids of his but I had refused and that was the end of my carefree life. He had taken Elijah and right now Rebekah was giving me a head start. Tears were streaming down my face as I knew what would happen when he got to her. I ran to my old little apartment that I had and noticed my friends Nora, Valeria, Mary Louise, and Beau were rushing around my apartment. "Bella, you have to get out if here. Klaus will be here any second. We'll hold him off." Nora said. I shook my head as I looked around. "Where's my mom? I have to see her, I can't leave until I say goodbye." I said. Yes, I had seen my mother. I had met her a few years ago and without thinking I had half of my family back. Apparently mom had been turned into a vampire when father sent her away and she went in hiding, but she meet the Heritics and they became family. I was like their younger sister and I had loved them. I had found out from Valeria that her and Stefan had meet and did the deed and was pregnant with his baby. I was surprised but that turned to anger when she told me that Julian had found out and beated her until an inch of her life, killing the baby. My niece or nephew that I would never see. I was sadden my that. Anyway as I looked around. I was pulled into a hug from Val and she whispered in my ear, "We put a protection spell on you. Klaus is here. I need you to go upstairs and hide. Don't come down, no matter what you hear. I love you little Bell." She said. The tears came once more and I nodded my head, giving everyone a hug before racing upstairs and opening the secret hatch that led to a little cellar. I hurried and went down before rushing over to the little small window that was there. You could see out but no one could see in. I watched as the door flew open and Klaus came strolling in. "Where is she? Where's Isabella?" He demanded I watched as Beau used his powers to try to stop Klaus but Klaus only smirked before rushing over to him and with one quick flick had Beau's heart in his hand. I wanted to scream, to yell, to fight but all I could do is watch in horror as he killed every single one of my family, leaving my mom for last. I stared in horror and despair as he bit her in the neck and with one swipe hand tore off her head. I let out a scream, as I doubled over, sobbing my heart out. He was a murderer. A monster. He killed my last living family and tore me away from my chance of ever finding happiness again. I was lucky that this was a sound proof room. He looked around before he simply smirked evily and walked out of the place, leaving the door wide open. I waited a good 30 minuted before rushing up the cellar and out before going downstairs. I rushed over to my mom side and sobbed. "I'm sorry Momma, I live you. Please come back." I cried. Knowing what had to be done I quickly grabbed some lighter fluid and dousing the place. I grabbed some of our pictures and souvenirs before lighting a match. Looking at them, I said, "I'll never forget you guys." Before dropping the match and running away, more determined than ever to get as far away as I could from the town.

~ End of Flashback ~

Holding back a sob, I quickly excused myself and ran up the stairs and outside where I saw Stefan and Damon. I looked over at Stefan and that's when I broke down. He looked so much like our mother, he had the same eyes and hair and even face structure. Not to mention his unborn baby. I rushed over to him and hugged him, after telling Damon I needed to talk to Stefan alone before grabbing his hand and running deeper into the forest. I let out a sob before collapsing to the ground.
"Izzy what's wrong?" He asked as he shook my shoulders. I shook my head and buried my face in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me bringing me closer to him. I cried for the lose if all my friends, practically family, the lose of our mother, and over the fact that I could have been an aunt, Stefan could've been a father. He would've been a good father. As my crying died down I still shook in his arms. "Do you remember Valeria. The girl you met at the towns festival, before the year we were turned?" I asked softly looking up at him. He seemed to think before he nodded his head. "How did you know, I never mentioned her to you?" He asked. I smiled slightly before sighing. "I met her, year after we turned. She was really nice. Apparently mother, had vampire blood in her system when she died and came back a vampire. She found Valeria and her coven. They were Heretics. I had reunited with mom and met Valeria and her coven. They were like family." I said. His eyes grew wide and he pulled away. "Mother is alive?" He asked. I flinched and closed my eyes. "Was... Was alive." I whispered. He gasped and I noticed tear in his eyes. "What happened to her?" He said. "She was murdered by Klaus. All of them. They were protecting me from him. He slaughtered them right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything to stop it. It was awful Stefan. Oh god it was awful." I said, crying again. He rubbed my back as I noticed him crying softly along with me. We stayed lime this until I gulped and looked at him. "There something else. Something that Valeria didn't get a chance to tell you." I said. He looked at me. "What?" He asked. "When you too did the deed, Valeria... She got pregnant. She was going to come back for you but.... But her step father, mothers new husband Julian had found out... And took it upon himself to get rid of it. So one night, she was going to come to you, but Julian came up to her and.... And he beated her into an inch if her life. He... He killed your baby Stefan. He killed it. When mom found out, she kicked him out and almost killed him. I'm so so sorry Stefan, I knew Valeria wanted to tell you but she couldn't. She couldn't bare the thought of this upsetting you. She promised me not to tell but I figured you should know." I said. He looked shocked, hurt, angry, and sad. I sat down next to him, wrapping my arms around him and he broke down crying, turning his head and burying his head in my shoulder. I gently rocked him back and forth. "Shhh.... Its OK Stefan." I said, knowing that it wasn't OK. He just possibly lost the only love of his life and only child he would have. I knew for a fact that Valeria loved Stefan and he loved her. He cried himself to sleep on my shoulder and I couldn't help but feel angry. Angry that my little brother was hurting because of Julian. He didn't deserve this. My brother was to good to be this punished. Pulling my phone out, I called Damon and told him to come get us. When he got here he rushed over to my side, looking at Stefan with worry. "What happened?" He asked. I looked tearfully at him. "He's broken." I said, as a lonely tear fell down my face.

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