Chapter Eight: Love is Worth It

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Isabella's P.O.V.

I watched as Edward  disappeared and fell to my knees. I cried as i thought of all the horrible things he said to me. The way he said them with such hate and disgust made my heart break. Maybe he was right, maybe I am a stupid, pathetic girl, I thought but stopped when I heard a twig snap behind me. I didn't think much because it could possibly be a animal nearby and cried harder. I should have never came to Forks. Should of not fallen in love with a stupid Cold One.

A twig snapped again closer this time and I sniffles. Usually animals don't get to close to vampires, maybe it was lost or hurt. Unless it wasn't a animal.

Taking a deep breath I let my senses extended. Very light and deliberate footsteps were coming up from my west. The weird part was that there was 2 distant footsteps.

"Well, well, well. What a pleasant surprise." A voice said behind me. I voice I knew to well. Slowly standing up I wiped my face off and turned around to see the one and only Klaus Mikaelson.

The most feared Mikaelson of them all. "Klaus, what do I owe the pleasure?" I growled. I heard the other set of footsteps stop next to him but paid no attention to it. "The pleasures all mine Isabella. Let me introduce. Kol this is Isabella, Isabella this is my brother Kol." Klaus explained.

Slowly I turned my head and looked over at Kol. He had hazelnut brown hair kind if like Edward's but it was so much more perfect. His chocolate brown eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked at me.

He was muscular yet not as big as Emmet, just perfect. I looked up and smiled slightly. He had a small smile on his face.

"Great now that introductions are over, let's get this show on the road. Im here to kill you. You see your the only thing that can kill me, I just can't let that happen." Klaus explained.

I took a step back as my eyes widen in fear. "Klaus, please. I already gave you my word that I wouldnt kill you. I ran from my home, from my friends. Just please dont kill me."

He smirked and walked closer to me, I saw Kol growl slightly as Klaus stopped right in front of my face. "I can't love." He said and before I could even blink he arm slammed into my chest. I cried out in pain as I felt his hand wrap around my heart.

I heard Kol scream before Klaus ripped my heart out. I fell to the ground in darkness.
~ End of  nightmare ~

Jumping awake I gasped softly as I clutched my chest. Taking a few deep breathes I looked over to my right and saw Stefan peacefully asleep. I turned to my side and watched him sleep. It always fascinated me as I watched Damon or Stefan sleep. I noticed how much Stefan aged. He wasn't the same, yet still the same. He seemed to grow up which I wished he hadn't. I wished he stayed the same little boy I remember.

But he changed and I noticed he grew up. He wasn't the same 17 year old I had loved but the man he is now. I felt tears fill my eye's as I realized that I missed him grow up. Stefan groaned and his eyes fluttered open as he yawned.

I smiled as he looked at me and smiled. "Good morning." I said as I brushed a lock of his hair from his face. He grinned and closed his eyes. "Good morning Izzy." He murmured as I continued stroking my fingers through his hair, enjoying the little sounds of happiness come from his lips. I was about to say something when Stefan's phone went off.

Sighing I kissed his cheek and left the room. I walked down the hall over to my room and was puzzled when the door was open slightly. Walking softly into my room, I saw Damon standing there by my dresser, looking at a picture of the 3 of us when we were human.

I remember when the picture was taken. It was right before Damon went off to war. That was one of the worst days of my life. I remember crying for hours, Stefan tried to make me stop but I couldn't stop thinking about what if he didn't return back from the war. Sniffling I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him as I pressed my face to the back of him.

"I was so worried. I cried and cried for hours wishing and praying that you would change your mind and stay. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you, knowing that you might not have came back to me and Stefan. Stefan tried everything to cheer me up when you were gone but nothing worked." I said crying.

He put down the picture and turned around, pulling me to his chest. I buried my head into the crook of his neck and cried as I felt him rub my back and whisper soothing words. We stay like that for a while until I pulled back. "I love you Dami." I whispered. He smiled and wiped my face off, kissing my forehead.  "I love you to baby girl." He replied.

I grinned up at him. I loved it when he called me that. All my life... well human life Damon was the one who practically raised me and Stefan but mainly me. For some reason he hated me but loved Damon and Stefan. I didn't know the reason then but I knew know, why he never liked me but I wasn't going to ruin the relationship between Damon, Stefan, and I because I knew that once I tell them, they'll hate me forever and I just got them back. And I'll be damned if anybody gets in the way.

What is Bella hiding??????

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