Chapter Six: Family

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Stefan's P.O.V
I couldn't believe it. She's alive. My older sister is alive. I never thought I'd see her again. But here she is. Alive and well. I wanted to just wrap my arms around her and never let go, terrified that this was still just a dream.

As of sensing my discomfort she led us out of the Grill and into a nearby alley. I looked at her with tears in my eye's as she pulled me into a hug. "Shh... It's OK sweetie. You can cry. I promise you I'll never leave you." She said. I broke down then. I cried onto her shoulder as I held on tightly. She didn't mind either as she hugged me back just as much. I could hear her whispering soothing words but I couldn't stop crying. I cried for every time I needed her, after every fight with Damon, Lexi dying. I never knew our mom and Bella seemed to fill that spot. I felt her run her fingers through my hair and leaned into it, a sigh of happiness escaping my lips. I heard her giggle and kiss my forehead before pulling away. She wiped my face off. "Are you OK?" She asked softly. I nodded my head and smiled at her. "No, your not. Stefan, come on. I know you. There's something else. Is it Damon? Did Damon hurt you?" She asked the last part her voice grew angrier. "No, no Izzy. Damon didn't do anything..." I trailed off. I could see her relaxing slightly. "Damon is probably back at the boarding house." I said. She cursed and looked away. "I already went there. I can't get in. I have to be invited in." She said. "That's OK, Elena can invite you in. She owns the place." I replied. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

Bella's P.O.V
After getting permission to be invited inside I slowly walked inside, memories coming back to me. "Damon" Stefan called. I didn't hear anything so I was guessing he wasn't home. "I'm gonna go shower, I'll be right back." I said kissing Stefan's cheek before running upstairs. I knew my room had to probably have a lot if dust in there so I took a shower in Damon's room.

The hot water was relaxing as I stayed in there till the water got cold. I changed in one of Damon's flannels and my favorite pair of sweatpants before walking over to Stefan's room. I slowly entered and smiled when I saw him asleep on his bed. He must be drinking animal blood if he's tired more often.

Sighing I knocked lightly in the door, "Hey sleepy head." I said and walked over to him and laying on the bed next to him. "Hey, m'not sleep." He mumbles as he wipes his eyes. Looking up at me, he smiled and scooted closer laying his head on my shoulder. "Are you mad at me?" He asked softly. Puzzled, I looked down at him. "Why would I be mad at you?" I asked. "Because I broke my promise. I left you." He whispered. It broke my heart to see him like this. I pulled him closer, wrapping one arm around him. "No, Stefan I'm not mad. I can never be mad at you. Besides you didn't break your promise. It was just on hold." I said. He nodded and tilted his head to look at me. "I love you Izzy." He said. My heart filled with joy as he kissed my cheek. "I love you too baby." I said and ran my fingers threw his hair. He leaned into my hand and closed his eyes. I was sure he was almost asleep when I heard the front door open and Damon's voice. "Stefan!" Damon. Damon was home I saw Stefan rub the sleep out of his eyes and smile. "Let's go show him." He said. I nodded eagerly and ran out of the room. Running down the stairs, I ran into the living room and stopped. He looked exactly the way he did since the last time I saw him in 1864. "Damon." I whispered. He turned around and looked at me. His eyes eyes grew wide. I thought he was gonna hug me when instead he threw me across the room, against the wall. I hissed in pain as I heard Stefan cry my name.  I felt Stefan help me up but Damon threw Stefan across the floor, his head hitting the edge of the stairs. I gasped as I smelt Stefan's blood. This wasn't the brother I remember, I thought as I stood up. "Damon stop. Stop. This isnt you. This isnt the Dami I knew back in 1850's." I said as he threw back against the wall again. "B...Bella?" He stuttered as he looked up at me with wide, scared eyes. "Yes, Damon. It's me. It's Isabella. Your sister. Stop." I said softly as I stood up. I looked over at Stefan who looked dazed. Damn, he might have a concussion, I thought before looking back at Damon. "Oh god... i'm so sorry." He said and vamp speed out of here. "Damon wait." I called out but he was gone. Sighing I ran over to Stefan. Getting down on my knees I pulled Stefan's head into my lap and bit my wrist, before placing it on his lips. "Drink, you need your strength back. Animal blood weakens you, you know. Believe me I tried for 2 years." I said. His eyes closed as he drank and I could almost feel him getting stronger. I heard him moan in pleasure before he pulled away. "Feeling better?"  I asked him. He smiled and nodded his head. "We should probably go find Damon. Do you have any idea where to start?" I asked, He shrugged his shoulders. "Well you stay here in case he comes back, I'm gonna go see if he's at the Grill." I said as he sat up. "Alright but be safe Izzy." He said and kissed my forehead. I cupped his cheek with my palm and smiled. "Always am."  I replied. I stood up and left. I searched everywhere, the Grill, Elena's house, the schools, town. He wasn't anywhere. But I had an idea where he was at. The only place I didn't check. The woods. I ran for what seemed like hours before I saw him in a small clearing. I watched him from behind a tree. He was feeding off a girl. There was a group of 4 there and didn't seem to notice Damon. I had to stop him before he ended up killing the girl. "Damon, put the girl down." I said stepping from behind the tree. He jumped and dropped the girl. Speeding over to her I feed her some of my blood and compelled her and her friend to get out of here. "Bella... I..." Damon started but I cut him off.

"No, it's my turn to talk. When you and Stefan died, I watched you and him get shot by father. I was so sad, angry, guilty. I wanted to tell you guys to keep running but John Gilbert, he didnt let me. When I saw you and Stefan die, I had this feeling, this feeling of hopelessness. Because without you two, I had no one. Mother was died, you two were dead and father.... he didnt care about me. He said he would have killed me too if he had the chance but he didnt. Do you know how that felt. That no one wanted you. No one cared about you. I ran away from home after that, only grabbing a few things and ran. But I didnt get to far. A couple of drunk men, one of them was John were by the Wickery Bridge. I tried to get through but they started hitting me... then.... then they.... they raped me." 

" I was vulunerable an they took advantage of me I begged, and pleaded for them to stop, begging them to just kill me. Because  I thought if I was dead I would see you two again. But that never happened. When they were done I was close to dying, I couldnt move, speak or even feel any pain. They thought I was dead, so they threw my body into the water, hoping they could get ride of me. But I remember falling asleep and thinking I was dead, but then I woke up. Katherine was there. She told me she saw what they did and said she was sorry for the way I had died, She told me what I was and how she became a vampire. "

" She told me that she couldnt save you guys but was able to save me. I know now that she lied and I had fallen into her trap. She told me in order to complete the transformation I had to feed off a human. I knew who I was going to pick already. I wanted John to feel the pain I felt when I died. When I killed him, it felt amazing. I liked the power I had. I felt at peace that no one would ever take advantage of me again. I looked everywhere for you guys, hoping that you two were vampires. I was so sad when you weren't that I stopped eating fr months."

" I didnt want to live anymore. I was ready to forgive you Damon. After what you did. I knew why you did it. Katherine compelled you. But now I finally found you and I'm so glad. So fucking glad that I can say this one more time. I love you Damon. I loved you since I first laid eyes on you. You were the best big brother a sister... or brother could ever have. I forgive you, I knew you would never intentionally hurt me or Stefan. I'm happy that your a vampire and so am I. Now I can always love you and know someone will be there for me when I need it. I know you'll always be there. And I'm sorry, I'm sorry for ever saying I hated you. I could never hate you. " 

I was crying at this point as he wrapped me up in a hug, I buried my head in his chest as he sat down, pulling me in his lap. I could hear him crying into my hair as he hugged me so tight that I almost had a hard time breathing but I didn't care. "I'm so sorry Izzy." He cried repeatedly. I softly whispered soothing words to him as I ran my fingers threw his hair. I felt him kiss my head an pulled away. I wiped his face off and kissed his cheek. "It' s not your fault. Hell, I almost ripped Matt's head off when he said that you two were alive." I chuckled. He smiled an pulled me back to him in a softer hug this time. "I love you Bells." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder. "I love you too Dami." I said back. I heard him gasp and couldn't help but smirk. I hadn't called him that since I was 7. "I havent  heard that in forever." He muttered. Pulling back I stood up. "Well, get used to it. Now come on. Stefan is waiting for us. And besides I had a long trip. I'm tired." I said and proving my point I yawned. Damon laughed and smiled. "Ok, i'll race you." He said. I nodded and on the count of three we were off. 

~At the House~ 

Hahaha, I cant believe it. I won. I was faster than Damon. I was still laughing when we walked inside. "Stefan... I... I beat Damon in a race." I said in between laughs. Stefan joined in laughing. I saw Damon smile as he looked at Stefan before pulling Stefan in a hug. I heard a little gasp from Stefan but I smiled when they hugged each other. Walking over to them I wrapped one arm around each of them and was surprised when they each wrapped one arm around me. Our foreheads touched and we all had smiles on our faces. "All three Salvatore siblings together again." I said. "Forever." Damon said. "Forever." Stefan said. I grinned. "Forever." 

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