[Chapter 16] What The Hell Is Wrong With You

Start from the beginning

I set the two pictures on the couch and bolted out of the house in an attempt to find Natalie and tell her I was wrong.

-Mari's POV-

As I drove back to my place with Sohinki, I felt sick to my stomach. I did a very VERY bad thing. And innocent people were dying because of it...

As we passed Shane and Lisa's apartment building, I noticed that police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks filled the parking lot. There was caution tape all around the perimeter.

"Hey, pull over!" I told him, tapping his arm frantically while keeping eye contact with the crime scene.

"Okay! Okay!" He replied as he pulled to the side of the road. We both got out and slipped under the caution tape. We walked up to the normal entrance and saw a police officer.

"Excuse me? Hi, what happened here?" I inquired politely.

He glanced over his shoulder at me, "Are you a resident of the building?"

"What? N..."

"Yes!" Sohinki cut me off as he wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me close to him, "Me and my wife just came back from grocery shopping, and we tried to get to our parking spot, but it was blocked off by tape."

"Yeah," The police officer retorted casually, "I suppose there was a double homicide in this building. I'm pretty sure they said third floor. I don't know much details, besides that it was one male and one female, both in their mid-thirties."

I gasped. Lisa and Shane lived on the third floor. And they were both in their thirties, well we all were, except Rachael and Natalie. I'm pretty sure they're in their twenties.

"Have they identified the bodies yet?" Sohinki questioned curiously.

The police officer looked around cautiously before leaning in and whispering to us, "Don't tell anyone I said this, but no, they haven't. And from what I heard from the accounts of residents like yourselves, I heard they were famous YouTubers. I don't know. Oh, and supposedly they spotted this one girl, with light brown hair and blue eyes, walking out of the building with a machine gun in her hand. And man, did she do some damage," He divulged.

"What do you mean?"

He sighed, "Well, you can't really go see it for yourselves, crime scene investigators are doing some research. But the door was busted down. And there are bullet holes all over the walls. And the bodies found in the bedroom had tons of them too. It was disgusting."

I shrieked in horror as I buried my head into Sohinki's shoulder as I began to sob. What have I done?

"Thank you, sir. I think me and my wife are going to get a room tonight at a hotel."

"Good decision. Have a good day!" The police officer waved goodbye and walked over to join his colleagues.

"Come on, Mari. Let's get you home," Sohinki told me as he directed me back to his car. He helped me into the passenger's seat and walked around the car to get in the driver's. He buckled in and started his car up.

He glanced over at me before stepping on the gas pedal, "Hey, you okay?"

And that's when I cracked, "No! I'm not!" I confided loudly, "People I know and care about are being murdered! And it's all my fault!"

"How could it be your fault?"

I sniffled, "I paid Kalel and Melanie's bail..."

"WHAT!?!" He shouted, "YOU DID WHAT!?!"

"I paid Kalel and Melanie's bail," I repeated, my tone full of shame, "I visited them in jail, and I talked to them and...I don't know. I just decided to fork up the money and get them out!"

He smacked his forehead, "Mari, what the hell is wrong with you!?! You set free two psychopaths! And they're going to kill all of us but two!"

"I know!" I cried, covering my face, "I'm such an idiot."

He sighed, "We have to tell the others."

"No! They'll hate me and probably leave me to die!"

"They're not like that, Mari. I'm sure that they'll forgive you for it...in good time..."

I shook my head, "I did a really really bad thing, Sohinki."

"You kind of did," He agreed with me. I glared at him, that was not the words I wanted to hear. Though I know it's the only words I should've expected.

He sighed, averted his attention to the road, and gripped his hands on the steering wheel, "Hey, how about I just take you home and we don't bring this up until the time is right? Okay? Does that sound like I plan?"

I shook my head with little hope as he shifted gears and we were on our way. Little did we know that we wouldn't be making it back to my place or finding the right time to tell the others...

-SEQUEL TO THE REPLACEMENTS- Vengeance (YouTube FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now