Complicated Love

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The door opened and it was Bruce

Bruce:What are you two doing!?

Jason: Nothing Bruce

Cassandra:We were just talking

Bruce:Better have been

Bruce left out the Door

Jason:That was a close one

Cassandra:Really close we have to be more careful

--With Damian and Rosalina--

Rosalina and Damian were out in the garden looking at the flowers

Damian:What's so special about flowers to you

Rosalina:Well my powers are based on flowers and environmental stuff

Damian nodded as he watched Rosalina

Damian: That's very nice

Rosalina smiled

Rosalina:Thank you

Damian:You actually have a nice smile

Rosalina blushed

Rosalina:Thank you, Damian


Rosalina turned around to see Tim

Rosalina:Yeah Tim?

Tim:Its time for dinner you coming?

Rosalina nodded as Tim left


Damian nodded and followed Rosalina inside

--Dinner Time--

Everyone was eating dinner eating the pizza that Alfred had made

It was quite so far....which was very unusual

Dick:Why is it so quite its usually not this quiet

Barbara:Maybe because your a dick

Dick:Babs I said I was sorry!

Barbara:I don't care!!

Alfred:Master Richard maybe if you knew about Miss Barbara predicament you'll be more loyal to her

Barbara:thank you alfred

Bruce:What are you talking about

Barbara:Well.....I found out I was pregnant..... With dicks baby

Dick spit out his food


Barbara nodded are going to get rid of it right!?

Barbara:WHAT NO!!

Dick:You have to!!! I can't be tied down to just you!!

Everyone gasp..

Barbara:Fine!!! If that's how you feel then screw you and your other sluts!!

Barbara left as dick followed

Dick:Baby wait

Rosalina:Is it always like this.....

Damian shrugged

The doorbell rang and in came....

Kristan Drake

Kris:Hey guys......Cassandra

Cassandra and Kris had a stare down

Bruce:What brings you here Kristan

Kris:I was here hours ago so......

Tim:but didn't you.leave

Kris:What's it to you......I came because I have a problem......

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