Complicated Love

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Cass Mari and Jason walked into the manor and saw

Bruce:Everyone Kate just came back into town

Kate:Hi Guys....Mari

Kate was Damian ex

She and Damian broke up because he started crushing on Mari

Mari POV



All those thoughts ran threw my head when I saw Kate

Kate:So....Mari how have you been

Mari:Great until right now

Cassandra snickerd a little

Kate:What's funny

Cassandra:Your face

Then Mari laughed

Bruce:I know you all dont get along but you all need to learn to

Kate:Yeah or I'll scratch you up

Damian:Kyle quit with the false treats

Kate:Whatever oh and Bruce my mom said I can stay over for dinner

Bruce:Alright I'll make sure there is enough food

Bruce left and Damian followed along with Jason

Kate:Listen you dumb alien stay away from me

Mari:Leave me alone

Kate:Why don't you stay with your mom oh wait she hates you

Cassandra:I'll have you know her mom is glad to see her when she visits so leave her alone

Kate just huffed and walked away.....

Kate belongs to Dami_Away They have great books that'll make you scream out "THIS BOOK IS FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!"

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