Complicated Love

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It was dinner time and everyone was there except bruce

Dick:Have you guys seen Bruce today

Damian:Father left early this morning

Tim:Maybe Diana knows

Cassandra:she doesn't

Dick:how did you know

Cassandra:she came by earlier looking for him

Jason:You think he went out of town

Stephanie:if he did then he would have said something

They heard the door open and in came Bruce

Bruce:hello everyone sorry I'm late

Alfred: Master Bruce would you like me to fix you some food too

Bruce:No thanks I'll be going to bed

Bruce went upstairs and everyone was confused

Cassandra: is it just me or is bruce clothes on backwards

Dick:its not just you because they were

Barbara:Why would his clothes be on backwards

Dick shrugged

Mari: Dad my birthday is coming up

Dick:Oh yeah!....Cass were having a birthday party your welcome to come of you want

Tim:What about us can we come

Dick:Everyone can except Damain

Damian:Why are you just reacting now

Dick:Because I was still too shocked about the video being shown and about Cassnadra running away and that she liked him

Cassandra: Let me cut in....Just so everyone knows I'm over him O-V-E-R OVER! Is that clear


Dick:Sorry but I have to go

Barbara:Where are you going

Dick:To Bludhaven its getting really late

Stephanie:Hey Timmy


Stephanie:Did you finally dump Tam

Tim:no and I never will

Jason:So your dating Tam now what happend to Yanae

Tim:We decided to stay friends

Cassandra:Yeah I can tell when I talk to her she doesn't say a thing about you

Mari:I just realized my dad left and I have no ride home

Damian:You could stay here

.....yes she could but dick wouldn't like it

Damian turned and saw Bruce

Damian:Why not Father

Bruce:You know he doesn't like you two dating but I'll have to take you back to bludhaven Mari

Mari:Okay....bye guys

Mari and Bruce left out

Stephanie got a text and smirked

Stephanie:Sorry but I have to go

Cassandra:Everyone having somewhere to go I guess I'm going to my room

Stephanie left out the door while Cassandra went to her room

Tim:Well I'm out

Tim left to go to his apartment

Alfred was starting to pick up dishes while Jason and Damian were still there

Damian:I am leaving

Damian left out and Jason just sat there

Jason: Wait wasn't barbara here

Alfred:Indeed sir but she left

Jason:So she just left?

Alfred nodded

Jason: that's odd

Alfred:Indeed sir....

Barbara POV

I needed to sneak out and take the test

When I did I got the most wonderful news ever....

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