Complicated Love

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Cassandra was walking home from Gotham Academy something she usually doesn't do

The only reason why was because she was going to visit someone

Cassandra POV

As I made it to the small house I used my key he gave me

I opened the door and ran into his room and jumped on his back as he held me up I covered his eyes

Cassandra: guess who

He smirked

....hmmm let me guess why amazing beautiful girlfriend

Cassandra: My My my Jason peter Todd you are very clever because you are right

Jason turned around and hugged me

We both fell onto the bed and I giggled a little

Jason:How was school

Cassandra:boring as usual did you know Dick transferred Mari to a school in Bludhaven


Cassandra: Just because he found out they were dating

Jason chuckled

Jason:Yeah Dick told me he went on and on about how they're related

Cassandra: There not actually related

Jason:Tell that to dick


Cassandra slightly smiled and got up

Cassandra: I have to go back to the manor they'll be looking for me

Jason:Okay...oh and I'll be over there in about an hour

Cassandra: Okay

Jason kisses Cassandra before she left out the door

When Cassandra made it back to the manor she was greeted by Alfred

Alfred:Hello Miss Cassandra

While Cassandra passed by Alfred he realized something

Alfred:Miss Cassandra if you dont mind me asking....why do you smell like cologne

Cassandra smelled herself and she did smell like Colonge

Jason's colonge

Cassandra:no reason

Alfred nodded and went back to what he was doing

.....Hello Cassandra

Cassandra turned to see Diana

Cassandra:Oh hey Diana

Diana:I was here visiting Bruce but he isn't here

Cassandra:So you guys are still good

Diana nodded

Diana:we may get in arguments but I still love him

Cassandra smiled and went to her room

Bruce POV

I was over at Selina apartment all cuddled up

Selina:Bruce when are you going to tell her

Bruce:I don't I know but it'll be soon

Selina kisses Bruce and they both went to sleep.

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