Complicated Love

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---This is after Dinner---

Mari was looking for Damian and couldn't find him

Mari:Dad have you seen Dami

Dick:I think he's in his room

Mari headed to Damian's room and when she opened the door she saw something she didn't want to see


Damian broke the kiss with Kate

Damian:Mari I can explain


Mari stormed out and ran into her dad

Dick:Mari what's wrong

Mari:I- I don't want to talk about it

Dick:Do you need Cass to talk about it with

Mari slowly nodded

Dick:She's In her room

Mari headed for Cassandra room when she did she smirked when she opened the door....

Cassandra POV minutes earlier

Dinner was finally over and I headed to my room

I laid down about to take a nap when I felt something heavy on top of me

I opened my eyes to see Jason

Cassandra:What are you even doing in here

Jason got off of me and laid next to me and wrapped his arms around me

Jason:I got bored

I laughed a little

Jason:You have a beautiful laugh

I then blushed

Jason kissed me but broke apart when we heard the door open

I saw it was mari with a smirk on her face

Mari:Well well well what do we have here

Cassandra: Nothing Mari

Mari: We'll talk about this later

Jason:I think I'll go you guys can talk....bye cass

Jason left out while mari came in

Mari:So how long have you two been together

Cassandra:that's not the point....why do you look like you've been crying

Mari looked down and sniffed

Mari:Damian cheated on me with Kate

Cassandra: WHAT!?

Mari:They were making out in his room

Cassandra: Mari boys are stupid so dont stress over it

Mari smiled a little

Mari:Your right he's not worth it


I hugged mari and she pinched me

Cassandra: HEY! THAT HURT!

I looked to see a giggling Mari so I hit her with a pillow and a pillow fight was started

We stopped when we heard yelling

So we went downstairs to see what's going on

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