Chapter 11

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(A/N: I know, I know, y'all are pissed from the last chapter, but it gets better, I swear)

~Previously on "The Seer: New Generation"
I shoved his jacket into his chest, giving it back to him, and I slammed the front door in his face, every single person in that house saw what just went down, a surprised expression on their faces, then they turned into a angry expression, and all of them turned towards Jase."

~Now back to present time, Masky's POV~
'How could my brother do that to her?! If he was gonna cheat, he should have stayed away from her. He knew that I've loved her ever since we were kids. But now she doesn't even remember us from back then, because of that damn accident!' I thought to myself. I grabbed my brother by the collar of his shirt and punched him in the face as hard as I could. "What the hell, you knew that I loved her yet, I backed off, then you go and cheat on her! You ruin everything you come into contact with!" I yelled in his face and chased after Masquerade.
I eventually found her in sitting in a alley, crying. I walked up her gave her a hug, and I felt her flinch under me. "Shh, it's okay, it's me, Masky," I said, stroking her hair slowly and gently. She hugged back and cried into my chest.
"How could he do that to me?" Rade cried, hugging me tightly. I sat there and stroked her hair.
"Because he is stupid, most boys are." I said, chuckling softly. I could see her smile and was glad that I could make her smile again. "Hey, does it make you feel better to know that I decked him in the face as hard as I could before I left to find you?" I said with a wide grin on my face. I started to laugh when she started nodding as fast she can with a huge smile on her face.
"Thanks Masky..." She said, smiling. Hey, if I remember correctly, I have separate apartment that I go to when I get to angry with Jase or Jeff, maybe she can live there.
"Hey Rade, I have a place you can stay if you want, it's a separate apartment that I rent. Do you wanna stay there?" I ask, then she nods quickly. I smile and hug her, I grab her hand and lead her to the apartment. I stopped as we were walking, I spotted Jase walking toward us, I look for a nearby alley, once I spotted one I ran to it as fast as I could, dragging Rade with me.
I pull her into my chest, shushing her, Jase walks past us and I point at him to explain why I pulled her into the alley. She nods, understanding, hopefully.

~Masquerade's POV~
I watched as Jase walked past us, I hugged onto Masky tightly. I was really thankful for how nice was being to me. Once I knew it was safe I asked, "Can Sally come over to the apartment every once in awhile?" I looked down shyly after asking.
I saw him smile, and he said "Of course, anything to make you happy." I smiled and gave him the hugest hug that I have ever given.
"Thank you Masky." I said, trying to sound polite.
"No problem, it's a pleasure," He said, shrugging. "Listen, I know my brother can be...trying at times, but I beg that you forgive, you don't have to now, but eventually, I want you to forgive him, because you never know when he'll be taken away from us, and you'll end up regretting that you never forgave him." He continued, holding me by the shoulders gently.
I sigh then look down, suddenly finding my feet very interesting, "Let me think about it, Masky." I said, looking up at him.
"Okay, I respect your choice," he said, shrugging. "Hey, wanna start back towards our apartment?" He asked, changing the subject. I nod hesitantly, thinking about what he had said earlier. I'd definitely have to think about it.

~Time skip to the apartment~

I laid down on the couch, trying to fall asleep, being emotionally and physically exhausted. Masky left to go get my stuff. He'll be back soon, I hope.
Ten minutes later, Masky walked through the door with someone, super tall behind him, so I'm guessing that it is Slenderman, which of who I was glad to see.
"How are you doing child?" Slenderman asked as he walked in. I completely give up on emotions, feelings, etc. So I decided that I was going to be 100% monotone.
"As well as I can be," I said flatly, sitting up properly, broadening my shoulders. "I have forgiven Jase, but he's happy with that women, apparently she can give him what I can't." I said, emotionless for the rest of my life.
"Child, we found out that Jase was under a spell when he was cheating, this girl had siren magic." Slenderman said, worry apparent in his voice. He put his hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm done with all that emotional nonsense. Could you please remove your hand from my shoulder?" I said, not noticing a strand of my hair turning purple.
Slenderman removed his hand, saying "Child, I understand that you don't want to feel anything, but you need to understand that it's worth the pain, because it will stop hurting, and when it does, you'll end up finding the people that you need in your life, or the love of your life." I got up and went to a random room, locking myself in so I could think about it.

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