Chapter 3

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~Masquerade's POV~
I took off my mask and got into the shower. While I was in the shower I couldn't stop thinking about the dream. I sigh out in frustration.

I got out of the shower and looked in the mirror, a shadowy figure was behind me, I turned around, nothing was there. I turned back around and the figure wasn't in the mirror anymore.
"It's just your mind Imagining things, I need to get ready for the first day of high school" I told myself. (She is a senior in high school)
I slipped on my surprisingly short uniform skirt. I put on my polo shirt, and my school jumper. I put on my school tie, slipped on my knee high socks, I put the school ribbon in my hair, and tied it into a pretty little bow. I put my school flats downstairs by the door and ran up to get my backpack. My backpack wasn't under my bed, where I normally put it...I checked everywhere in my room, except the closet. I slowly walked over to the closet door, I don't know why but I hate closets... I slowly open the door, as soon as it's open I get tackled to the floor and I scream from the shock, I look down and it's just my shoe stand.....and my backpack. I sigh, move the shoe rack, stand up, and pick up my backpack as I stand up. I rush downstairs. I slip my flats on and walk out the door with my backpack slung over my shoulder.
As I'm walking to school I started to feel like I was being watched. I stopped, straightened my mask, and tightened my bow. I continued to walk. Then I suddenly got dragged into the bushes, I kicked and swung my arms violently. They put their hand over my "mouth" as the dragged me deeper into the forest. The person who grabbed me gasped and dropped me, because I lifted my mask slightly and licked their hand. I lowered my mask and darted back to the street and ran as fast as I could to school, which was only a few feet ahead.
I reached the school's office, breathless and sweaty. The office assistant ran up to me.
"Are you ok?" He asked worryingly.
"" I said, it being spaced out. I pant and look up to a very cute, caring office assistant. He looks at my sweater, seeing that I was from the school.
"Did you see what they looked like?" He asks.
"Um sorta...They had longish messy charcoal black hair, a white hoodie with red stains on it, I think they were a guy, I didn't see a chest so...yeah..., I didn't see the face..." I described to him. The office assistant seemed to get kinda angry after I described the person.
"Ok, I'll send that description to the police. You go here, correct?" He says, sounding angry.
"I do, today is my first day, I haven't got my locker or my schedule..." I explain.
"You started don't look like a teenager" he looks at me suspiciously.
"I'm Masquerade Miller...the senior" I tell him so he can look for my new file.
What I assume was the principal walked out and said "Masquerade, I'm so glad you joined us, I've been waiting for you too show up. Jase this is the genius child I was talking about." She starts off at me then switches her attention to the cute office assistant.
"Oh, you got the highest score anyone has ever gotten, how old are you Masquerade?" Jase asks me.
"I'm twelve, why?" His jaw drops as I tell him my age.
"Your twelve? Your very smart..." I giggle, and blush at his compliment.
"Thank you, and please both of you please call me Rade" I give them my nickname.
"Well it's nice to have you, Rade" the principal hands me my schedule.
"Jase please show her to her first period class" the principal instructs.
"Will do ma'am" Jase motions me to follow him and I do. He leads me too room 754 and turns towards me "This is your first class..."
"Ok, thanks." I start to walk into the class when I feel someone grab my hand. I turn to see who was holding my hand, I see Jase blushing, I tilt my head, being confused.

~Jase's POV~
I stood there blushing like mad, holding Rade's hand. She looks at me and tilts her head, she is so cute, even with her creepy mask.
"R-Rade...would you like to hang out after school...?" I stutter out. I mentally face palm because of my stutter.
"Yeah I'd love too.....but I can't..." She says, my face lights up between the pause then saddens.
"Oh okay...Um later" I let go of her hand and begin to walk away. When suddenly feel a familiar touch to my hand. I turn around and look down to see Rade holding my hand.
"I wasn't finished with my sentence. I was saying that I can't after school but I can during my lunch." She says with her sweet melodic voice. I do a little happy dance on the inside.
"R-really?" I stutter.
"Yeah why not? I have no friends here yet, who would I sit with?" She asks with a silly voice and I chuckle softly.
"Okay, it's a date" I say with confidence. She nods, I realise what I just said and mentally face palm. I wave and walk away blushing.

~Masquerade's POV~
Jase is so funny, I think to myself...I walk into my classroom silently and wait for the teacher to notice me.
After a few minutes, she notices me and says "Are you lost?"
"No, I was brought here, first period advanced calculus." I read off my schedule.
"You are?" She asks me.
"I'm Masquerade Miller, your new student..." I say shyly. She looks at her newest role sheet.
"Ah, nice too meet you Masquerade. Class this is Masquerade, Masquerade these are your classmates." She says sweetly.
I wave and say quietly "Call me Rade."
"Okay Rade, you get to choose where you sit..." the teacher explains to me. I nod and all the guys are waving at me to sit next them. I sit near the front, next to a guy with a mask like mine, light brown hair, and a yellow leather jacket, he was the only one not waving me over and there was a girl who was waving me over and she had black hair that was up in a medium-sized ponytail.
As soon as I sit she says "Hi Rade, I'm Amethyst." I wave back at her in response. I don't like talking to people, I'm not much of a conversationalist.
"Don't talk much do ya'?" She asks me. I nod letting her know she was spot on.
"Ah...why?" I giggle softly and turn towards the teacher, letting Amethyst know that I wanna pay attention. The teacher gives everyone a pop quiz, but me. I raise my hand trying to get her attention.
She notices me and asks "Yes Rade?"
"Can I get a quiz?" I whisper softly. That's when the dude with mask obviously pipes in.
"Of course, I just figured you wouldn't want one because this is your first day and you might not know what to do..." She says handing me one. I thank her quietly and start the test and I end up finishing first, three minutes and twenty-four seconds.
I flip it over and the teacher asks "Too hard?"
"Not at all, I finished." I say quietly.
"Oh... well pass it to me and I'll check it over." I get up and walk over and hand it to her. I turn around and go back to my seat. Some students got up and turned in their tests.
The teacher announces "Everyone is dismissed when the bell rings, except you Rade..."
Everyone in the room goes "ooooh." Then the bell goes off and everyone grabs their things and leaves.
The masked guy glances back at me and says "Have a nice day, Rade." Before he exits, and probably walked to his next class.
"You got a perfect score, and your records say you have never been in school before, how did you do it?" She questioned.
"Well when my father was out getting drunk and I wasn't cooking or cleaning or doing laundry or getting groceries, I was studying." I say shyly
"And your only twelve?" She questions. I nod in response.
"You may leave, great job" I thank her quietly and head out with my stuff.
I walk to the office and enter. Jase stands up quickly walks over to me. I look up at him confused.
"Hey Rade, your father just called and said he won't be able to pick you up, and um why are up here?" He says quickly, slightly rushing his words.
"Oh okay, and um I don't know where room 10 is..." I asked quietly.
"Oh okay, and um I'll go see if I can show you to your next class." He says, his sweet rich voice ringing in my ears.
"Okay." Jase walks to the principal's office and enters. I sit and wait patiently. Jase walks out looking happy and silly.
"So you can show me?" I guess, laughing at his silly expression.
"Yeah, I also get to stay with you all day long and show you to your classes." He says happily. He puts his hand on my back to show me the way out and I wince slightly.
"You alright?" He asks me worryingly.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" I say, my plan working.
"Never mind, let's go." He leads me out and after we are out of sight he pulls me to the side and holds me close. I could feel the heat race to my cheeks.
"What's going on with your back?" He asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask, playing dumb.
"You know what I'm talking about. Your not stupid and I know you aren't." He says, looking at me concerned.
"Jase, I'm going to be late for class." I say, trying to make up a fake excuse.
"Rade, tell me what's going on." He says, tightening his grip on me.
"My cat scratched my back, yeah that's the real reason." I say giggling nervously.
"Rade, you file says you don't have any pets, tell me for real what's going on?" He says, looking me dead in the 'eyes'.
"Promise you won't get angry or tell the police." I say seriously.
"I promise, now tell me what is going on?" He says, looking intrigued.

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