Prince Merlin

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7 years ago...

"Prince Merlin of Draglin, I will give you one last chance to join me and together we can rule the world! We will conquer every nation, and have power over all people!" The man dressed in black said.

"Never! I will not give up the freedom of my people for the so-called power you speak of!" Merlin said.

"Very well. ATTACK!" And entire army of dark soldiers charged at he knights of Draglin. The knights had no choice but to retreat to the forest, away from Draglin Castle, he home of the royal family. Somewhere in the frenzy, Prince Merlin and Queen Hunith got separated from the knights. They decided to flee to a small town called Ealdor along he border of Camelot. There, hey hid in fear that the brother to the queen would hunt them down and kill them.

Current time.

All those memories flooded Merlin's head as he mucked out Arthurs horses stable. Today was the anniversary of when Merlins uncle, Galbatorix, took over the kingdom of Draglin. Merlin still couldn't believe that it all happened 7 years ago. Even Gaius knew not of his royal birth. It was his family's secret. When he and Arthur had found Balinor, merlins father, and he king of Draglin, he was ecstatic, but when he died, Merlin knew that the kingdom of Draglin was his. He was to rule the kingdom.

But Arthur could never know...

Merlin finished mucking out the stall of Arthurs horse(or one of them anyways...), and started walking back to the castle. When he was almost there, he was stopped by Gwaine.

"Hey mate! The princess is looking for ya. Apparently some knights from a different kingdom are seeking assistance in finding some lost prince."

"OK, I'll head there now! Thanks Gwaine!"

"Anything for my best friend!" Gwaine smiled and left. Thoughts swarmed Merlin's head. Could these knights be from Draglin? No. They couldn't be. Why would they come to Camelot, of all places, for help finding the prince of a magical kingdom, who is a powerful sorcerer (a.n. Warlock) and a dragon lord?! No, they weren't that desperate... were they?

Merlin made his way to stand behind Arthur in the throne room. He made sure that he was in the shadows, in case these knights were from Draglin and they recognized him. Arthur acknowledged Merlin's presence with a glance as the room filled with camelot knights and other citizens in high positions.

"Let them in" Arthur demanded once everyone was here. The doors opened to reveal four knights clad in purple with the Draglin insignia on the front of their armour. Merlin recognized hem immediately. These were his closest friends from his childhood. There was Sir Eragon, Sir Arwen, Sir Oromis and Sir Glaedr. Sir Eragon was the captain of the royal guard of Draglin, and Merlin's best friend. Then Arthur spoke.

"Greetings, knights! Welcome to camelot. I am King Arthur Pendragon, please introduce yourselves and tell us why you are here." Arthur said with authority. Eragon stepped forwards.

"Greetings to you as well, my lord. I am Sir Eragon, captain of the royal guard of Draglin. These are a few of my fellow knits, sirs Glaedr, Oromis, and Arwen. We come seeking help in finding our lost prince, and taking our kingdom back from the brother of the Queen. 7 years ago, there was a war that waged, and our princes uncle overthrew the royal family, and claimed the throne for himself. We come to you for assistance, my lord. "

"Draglin is a kingdom that accepts the use of magic. Why should we help you? "

"All the other kingdoms have turned us away due to that fact. Please, pretend that we are just like any other kingdom. Be a kind and merciful king towards us. If you find our prince, you could very well gain another ally. A powerful one too! Please...think about it." Eragon stepped back.

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