Revealing a Secret

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A N OK, I will write a bunch of different ways merlin tells Arthur about his magic.

Merlin walked down the hallway heading towards Arthurs chambers. King pratness had 'summoned' him for one of his many duties. He wasn't watching where he was going, so when he came around the corner, he bumped right in to sir Lancelot.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Merlin apologized.

"Oh, it's fine. At least you didn't set me on fire with your magic."

"Shhhhh! You don't know who could be listening!"

Lancelot gave him an apologetic glance.

Little did they know, a certain blonde haired figure retreated from the corner, and back to his chambers to wait for our young warlock


As Merlin walked into his kings chambers, he couldn't help but notice that Arthur was giving him accusing stares, while trying hard to hide it.

"What is it?"

"What is what?"

"You keep looking at me weird. It's getting suspicious. "

"Oh." Arthur seemed to inch farther away from his manservant as if he was trying to protect himself. " I heard you in the hall talking to sir lancelot."

Merlin guarded his expression warily. "And your point is, sire?"

Arthur stood up and drew his sword. "My point is that you have been keeping a secret from me." Arthur took a step towards Merlin, pointing his sword accusingly. "A secret that you shared with the other knights, but, apparently didn't trust me enough to tell me!" Merlin took a few steps back as Arthur swelled with anger. "Merlin, you have magic!" Merlin bumped into the wall behind him, a frightened expression on his face.
"Arthur, I..."
"No Merlin! You don't understand! I have lived my whole life taught to fear magic. No wonder you wanted me to free it in Camelot! Do you have any other secrets?!" Arthur held the tip of his sword on Merlin's chest.
"Uh, I think we should have a meeting at the round table so I can explain my self to everyone." Merlin's voice was unusually high.
Arthur glared and gave a sharp nod. Taking Merlin by the arm, he ordered the guards to call a meeting.


The knights of the round table were assembled, unsure as to why merlin was being restrained.
"Knights!" Arthur spoke, " I have called you here today to have my servant reveal to you a secret. Merlin?"
Lancelot eyed merlin suspiciously.
"I-i have a confession to make." He stared into Arthurs eyes. "I have magic." Gasps were heard throughout the room. People muttered things like how merlin could not possibly have magic. "I can prove it to you! " before the guards could stop him, he held out his hand. Forbernan, he muttered, his eyes flashed gold, and a small fire appeared in his palm. More gasps, and Arthur stormed over and ordered him to put it out. He obeyed. " as I told Arthur I have another confession. My father was the dragon lord that Arthur and I went to get, Balinor, the one who died in my arms, protecting me. Seeing as dragon lords pass their titles down to their sons, I inherited that title and am the one who sent away the great dragon when he attack camelot. I have saved Arthurs life too many times to count, and what do I get as a thanks? More chores! You don't know how hard it is to keep this secret, when every time I try to be myself, I'm signing a death sentence! And it's not like I didn't tell you! I walked in to the throne room and straight out told you! If I had wanted to kill you Arthur, I would have used my magic long ago. And don't you tell me I shouldn't have used it or started, because I am a warlock, born with it. I had no choice in the matter, and if I don't use it it will kill me! I am Emrys, the one destined to kill Morgana. Mordred knows this!"tears welled in merlin eyes, as he collapsed at a Pillar and curled into a ball. Soon he heard footsteps, and a strong hand landed on his shoulder. He peeked at the person's shoes. He remembered cleaning those boots on several occasions.
Arthur knelt beside his man servant. "It seems you have been through some hard times." Merlin didn't know if that was supposed to help. A minute later, mordreds presence entered his mind. Don't feel bad, Emrys, you had no choice, and should be granted many rewards for what you've done. I'm sure Arthur didn't intent to cause distress. When merlin didn't reply, he felt another presence, one he had never felt before.
Emrys, it said, I am a dragon. My name is Saphira, and I have lived long away from here. Do not let your sadness get in the way of your greatness, my rider, Eragon has gotten confused as you have, but he got over it when he realized it is not something to be ashamed of. If ever you need a comforting hand, just thrust out your mind, and I will answer. Then the presence vanished, as if it hadn't been there in the first place.
Merlin was shocked that there were other dragons. Or, at least one other one. Kilgharrah would be happy.
Then he remembered Arthur sitting beside him and looked up. He saw two concerned blue eyes staring at him.
"Do you want to go back to your room?"
"You aren't going to arrest me?"
"No, it seems you were right about magic. Just like a sword, it is up to the user whether it is evil or good, and you only used it for good, so I guess it's OK. "
Another voice spoke from the table. "Are you saying that if magic is allowed if it is used for good?"
"...yes."Arthur answered hesitantly.
"Then I also have a confession. I, sir Mordred, have magic as well." Mordred smiled at merlin who smiled back.
Arthur stood up and spoke. "I king Arthur pendragon of camelot..."


(In front of the whole of camelot)

"...hereby legalize the use of magic for good, not evil!"
The audience applauded, even if some were angry. Then, oohs and aahs broke out as the viewers cast their eyes skyward. Sparks in the shape of the pendragon crest flew across the sky. Arthur looked over at Merlin, the court warlock, who had his arms towards the sky and glowing gold eyes. Merlin looked back and smiled. The time of Albion had begun!

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