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I am open to ideas on oneshots if you guys want to comment your ideas. Who knows, maybe I will make your idea into a story!

Arthurs pov

Arthur walked down the hall. He was heading to the training yard to practice his longbow. Suddenly, a hand pulled him into a room, the door slamming shut. He instinctively reached for his sword, only to find empty space.
"Who are you?" Arthur asked the man in a cloak, who had just lit a candle.
"I am who I am, and I am who I was, and I am who I always will be!" The man answered in a gruff voice. "Now, stand still." Arthur was too confused to do something about it, so the mystery man uttered a few jumbled words. With a flash of gold, Arthur fell asleep, falling a bit too far than he was used to.


Merlin's pov

Merlin was polishing Arthurs armour, when a small sound could be heard from the door of the armoury. Since there was no one else around to check it out, he decided to do it himself. Slowly, Merlin made his way to the door, opening it carefully. There, on the floor meowing, was a blonde kitten with a small chain mail collar. Merlin bent down to pick up the kitten, who shied away from his touch, Merlin just barely being able to pick it up.
"Awww! Hi little guy." Merlin pet the cat, blonde an unusual colour for a kitten. "I'm going to ask arthur if he would like to keep you as his royal pet. Come to think of it, I haven't seen arthur since early this morning!" The cat yowled and merlin put it down, and continued on his way to the training yard in search of arthur.


*earlier that day*

Arthur finally regained consciousness. His first thought was the sorcerer. Whoever that person was, they wanted to hurt him. Sorcerers are always trying to hurt him and his family. Arthur tried to stand up, but it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. Then he remembered to open his eyes. He looked around in shock, as he realized that he was a lot smaller than he remembered being, and was outside the armoury. He stood up on two feet to try to walk to the door, but fell, just barely managing to stick his two paws out in front of him... wait, PAWS?! Arthur crawled towards a window to see his reflection, and after jumping up onto the window sill, he almost fainted. His reflection showed his normal eyes, but instead of his usual face, he had whiskers and blonde fur. Cats never had blonde fur.
He had to find a way to tell someone it was him. He jumped off the sill and sat at the door to the armoury meowing, hoping someone would be in there to find him.
It turns out someone was in there. The last person he would hope to find. Merlin opened the door and picked him up. Arthur shuddered as his paws left the floor, and Merlin stroked his fur, telling him how he wanted to tell arthur about the new cat he found.
Arthur had to somehow tell merlin it was him, so he tried to say something, but instead a loud yowel came out. Merlin mumbled something about the training yard, and put arthur down. The cat followed merlin to the training yard, Merlin oblivious to the fact it was there.


Merlin's pov

That cat kept following merlin all day, and every time he thought it left, there it was. It was like it was on an invisible string. The cat would just keep meowing at different people, as if it was trying to say something, but it seemed it gave up, and stayed at merlins heel.
Arthur was nowhere to be found, and everyone was getting worried. Search parties would be ready by tomorrow.
Merlin sat with the cat on his lap in the forest. Gaius had sent him to get some herbs. He had gathered firewood to cook some lunch, and forgot to get rocks to light the fire. "Are you ready, kitten? You can't tell anyone what you are about to see." The cat just meowed quietly. "OK, forbernan." Merlin whispered, and a fire crackled to life. Merlin smiled at the cat, and told him not to tell arthur, or he would be in big trouble. The cat just looked at him, as if it was shocked.
At the end of the day, merlin sat at the small table in Gaius' chambers to eat. Tonight, they were having soup and wheat crackers. Merlin broke a cracker into little bits, and put them on the floor for the cat with a bowl of milk. The milk was lapped up quickly, but something more interesting happened with the crumbs.
When merlin looked back to his own supper, the kitten scratched his leg. "What..." Merlin started, but the cat started to move the crumbs with his nose. When it was finished it peered into the shocked face of the warlock. The cat had spelled merlin.
"How do you know my name?"
The cat moved around the crumbs until they said I'm arthur. Merlin's eyes widened, as he looked at Gaius. The look in Gaius' eyes told him they were thinking the same thing.

Pretty soon, Gwen, gwaine, elyan, Percival, and Gaius and merlin were sitting in a circle around the cat, or Arthur. Merlin and Gaius had been searching through books to find a way to turn him back, but to no avail. Their attempts were in vain.
Merlin was still trying to get over the fact that Arthur knew about his magic. He probably would get executed, by the laws of camelot. Whenever he looked at the cat, he saw it's eyes piercing into him, hurt and betrayal along with other emotions threatening to break free.


Arthurs pov

Merlin has magic. That was the only thought rumbling through his mind, blocking out anything else that tried to come to the surface. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't peel his eyes away from the servant he once trusted.

This is the end of this one shot, if I do make this into a story, I will have a better ending. 🐢pip.

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