Alternate ending

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This chapter is dedicated to A_lyssa for the idea. I hope it is what what you were asking for! They have been overflowing with great ideas I can turn into oneshots. Remember, I take requests!
Read on!!!!

"Come on!"
I yelled at my horse, who was galloping in the direction of Camlaan, the battle field. I had just gotten my magic back from the crystal cave, and was going to help out Arthur. I knew it was my destiny to protect the Once and Future King at all cost.

I could see the battle already, and that both sides were taking major casualties. I enhanced my eye sight to see where that dollop head was at. I saw he had just taken down an enemy, with Mordred approaching from behind, just like I had seen in the vision the seer had shown me.

I urged my horse on. I had to get there before something terrible happened. My horse couldn't go on for much longer. His ragged breaths were audible over the sound of battle.

Arthurs pov

I killed another enemy. Add that to my list. I heard movement behind me. I slowly turned around to see Mordred, the boy I had once helped smuggle out of Camelot. The man I had dubbed a knight. The boy Merlin claimed was bad news. And now, the man who was fighting for Morgana.

I stood shocked, and he smirked, taking advantage of my hesitation and drew his sword back. I braced myself, waiting for the blade to pierce my armour. But it never did. I heard a thud.

I opened my eyes to see Mordred standing with a surprised expression. I took this opportunity to stick my sword through his middle. His eyes widened in pain, and then he collapsed onto the ground.

I looked down to see what caused him not to kill me before, and on the ground, covered in blood, and unconscious I saw... my servant Merlin?! But he was fetching something for Gaius! Wait a second.... oh! He's hurt!

I bend down, and gently hoist Merlin into my arms, and carry him all the way to the healers tent for our army. When Mordred fell, Morganas army retreated, leaving the knights of camelot to tend to the wounded.

Once I reached the tent, a lot of people, including gaius and Gwen, sighed and smiled in relief. Then they noticed the anguished look on my face, and the boy in my arms, and the atmosphere changed dramatically. Gasps and murmurs could be heard, as Merlin's closest friends (Gwaine, Percival, Leon, Gwen, Gaius, etc.) Rushed around to make sure he was alright. Immediately, Gwen escorted many bystanders out of the tent if all they had as a scratch or bruise. I was told to lay Merlin down on a bed.

I stood back as the physicians worked their magic (a.n. hehehe) and worried lyrics watched over Merlin, my friend, though I would never admit it to anyone. He had been there for me through thick and thin, and now, he sacrificed his life to save me! That is a loyalty any knight of Camelot would be proud to have.

Reports of the battle, such as casualties, injuries, and survivors flowed in from patrols, asking for decisions to be made, however my mind was clouded due to the young man laying on the bed in the middle of the room. Gaius refused to tell me of his state of health until he knew everything.

I stood there watching for 1 hour, until finally Gaius approached me. He hesitated slightly.

"Sire, th-there is a piece of the swords blade still stuck inside Merlin that is inching towards his heart, and causing a lot of pain... h-he may not have more than a few days to live." Gaius had tears in his eyes. This boy was like a son to him. He couldn't bear to lose him. I also felt rivers building up in my eyelids. There must be a way to cure him!

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