Ch 25: Because At Tour, Things are Temporary

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This is just too much. I know that we should turn deaf and blind to any negatives the so-called 'fans' would say, but they've crossed the line. With my fingers shaking with disgust, I type: If you're so selfish that you hate on a band member just because they can't perform for you live then don't even consider calling yourself a fan of mine.

That should do it. It's short enough to fit in the character limit, not rude and not polite either, and direct to the point. I press the tweet button.

There have been heated discussions in social networks, specially in Twitter lately. Because Kailey is still in Baltimore, she wasn't able to play for Jakarta, Indonesia and Singapore, Singapore. There were fans who were concerned about her, whereas there are also those who expressed their disappointment for not seeing their idol live. These people are too selfish. They need to understand that other than being a part of a band, we have other roles in life we need to do.

A few minutes had only passed by and I have already received a lot of replies regarding my last tweet. Some people agree with me, while some say I am over reacting. Some ask if I were referring to Kailey. Of course I am, who else would it be? Dumb dumb.

Refreshing my Twitter's homepage, I see a new tweet from Kailey. It reads: Hello, Malaysia! Would it be okay with you if Oliver does the vocals for you guys tomorrow? :) I'm really sorry...

Sigh, I guess she isn't coming back soon. I quickly hit the reply button of her tweet: As much as we want you back with us, we also want you to be there for your mom. Hope to see you soon.

 At the instant a lot of people 'favorited' my reply. There are several replies too, and scanning them, I see a word that shows up repetitively for every tweet.

I nudge Xavier who is busy chatting with someone through his laptop. We're in our hotel room right now in Malaysia, and we'll be leaving the area by the time the sun rises for sound check. "Xavier, what's a Treiley?"

"Holy fuck, you don't know?!" he exclaims with a trace of humor in his eyes. He starts to snicker and I don't exactly know what makes him so amused.

I give him a frown. "Of course I don't! That's why I am asking, dumbass."

"Whoa, look who's the dumbass here." Xavier grins like a fool. "Hey, Zeph! The lover boy doesn't know what a Treiley is!"

"Whoa, he doesn't?" Zephyr says and takes a bite of his sandwich. "Have you been on Twitter lately, dude?"

"I am right now."

Zephyr rolls his eyes at me. "You're pitiful, y'know that?" he comments and does not say anything else. 

"That's all you've gotta say?"

I hear Nathan give a loud sigh from behind. "For goodness' sake Trevor it's a merge of your name and Poxy's."

"Eh?" I feel my cheeks burn. God, I hope I'm not blushing. "But it sounds funny."

"Yeah, and so is Zephyngel." Zephyr has always been paired up with a solo arist, Angelica Alegria. It all started with a side project he did with her, which became really popular.

"Hey! you gotta see Annie's photos of the two of you during the end of The Aftermath, Trevor," Rick tells me. His seem to enjoy viewing something on his tablet. "You sure got a lot of shots from Annie."

"Show 'em to me, Rick."

He stands from his seat and brings a tablet along with him. Siiting beside me, he opens a folder full of pictures from The Irony Of Flames tour. He lays the tablet on my lap and says straight to my face, "There you go, fucker."

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