Ch 7: Revelations, Vague Memories Of High School

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“Give it back!” She throws a tantrum and springs towards me in hopes to reach for the beanie I snatched from her head. I hold my hand up clasping the cloth as high as I could, taking advantage of her short height. It may not the best choice to do, but at least for this moment I am able to get her full attention. I’ll have to deal with the consequences later.

“Give me back Oliver’s beanie!” she cries and this time her tone is more incensed.

“This thing is Oliver’s?” I ask. Why would she be wearing that guy’s head accessory? Isn’t that what cute girlfriends do with their boyfriend’s clothes? For a moment, I am in utter skepticism. What if...

“Trevor, this isn’t funny!” she shouts. I jolt in surprise of the high pitch. Why did I forget Nathan’s advice not mess up with a sing-screamer?

“I’m not giving you this unless you tell me what the hell’s your problem!”

“I don’t fuckin’ know what you’re talking about!”

“Of course you do! You ignored my greeting, slammed the door at my face, gave me death glares, but then you were intently smiling while watching me perform that I fumbled with my guitar out of confusion, started to frown when I sang, now you’re screaming at me before these people!”

She pauses for a while, probably to reflect on my rants. Maybe this time, my unanswered questions will finally find their answers.

“You were watching me as you were performing?” she says, her hazel eyes glinting.

I blush a bit. Her query caught me by surprise that I fall tongue-tied. “Y-you, you just drive me crazy, woman!” Oh wait, what did I just say? It took all my courage to pull that beanie off her head just to grab her attention and I won’t let it get in the way of the confrontation. “J-just tell me what you’re mad about. I hate this; I don’t feel at ease.”

She opens her mouth to speak but reverts it back to a sharp, thin line of anger. Instead, she tries to grab the beanie quickly from my hand once more. I was quick to react though. Her attempt fails again.

“Look, Kailey, I don’t know what your deal is. Just tell me your reasons and I promise to hand you this beanie immediately,” I demand, feeling bad about playing with this little kid and stealing her toy.

She sweeps her hair to one side and rolls her jacket's sleeves. “You’re an idiot, Trevor, you know that? Obviously, I hate you. And don’t you dare call me Kailey like we are buddies.” She slightly leans forward  and knits her brow at me. “I’ve shunned you out of my life years ago and I bet you were even unaware of it.”

She surprised me with her actions this evening, but this left me completely dumbfounded. I am unable to form words and react to her answer. I stay there in front of her, non-verbally begging her for an explanation. She doesn't give anything else away and instead, she points to my hand. “Beanie,” she commands stiffly.

“No,” I snarl, for I am discontented with her answer. I need clarifications. I want the reasons why.

“You swore you’d return it if I speak up!”

“That isn’t the answer I was looking for. Of course you hate me. What else could be the reason for all of this hate? I want to know why you hate me. I want to know why you shunned me out of your life. I want to know what I’ve done wrong.”

“You’re pitiful, you know that? Find it out yourself,” she says in a sassy yet irritating tone. A quick dash behind me and she leaps once more, but I will always be quicker than her. She lets out a growl out of frustration. “Will you stop messing with me?!”

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