Encounter in the Mountains

Start from the beginning

The sizzling of the fish was the only other sound in the mountains besides the pouring rain, occasional thunder, and sometimes loud whisps of the wind. The fire that was blazing quite beautifully was only about half the height of your calves, and you were already running out of dry leaves and sticks. " Awhh, c'mon little fire.. Hang in there till st least tomorrow! " You whispered hopefully towards the spark. If you couldn't really tell, you don't really have anyone else your age to talk in the village. You always found it easier to talk to animals or inanimate objects. You pouted at your small fire and looked out back towards the storm outside. As you looked, you could make out a slight dark figure approaching the cave entrance.

It was hard to make out, but if you squinted enough, there was something indeed heading towards the cave. You stood up and held onto your horse's straps. The figure continued to walk towards the cave until you could see them, face to face. The figure was a young man, maybe around his late teens or early 20's. His skin was a pale green and his hair long and black with a single green streak, only to his shoulders though. He also wore a long black torn cape that also covered his left side of his shoulders and left arm. He had weird ash markings around his eyes, either markings or bags. However, no matter how out of place he looked, his face was already quite scornful. You looked down towards his chest and down.

His undershirt was also a dark green with a golden dragon symbol drawn over on the right of his shirt. The man was just then also wearing black pants and shoes. You caught yourself staring at the strange sight, and couldn't say a word until he spoke up. " Who are you? And how did you find this place? " He asked roughly. " I- uh.. Got lost in the rain?.. And found this cave?.. " You said rather questionably. He looked over towards your horse and then towards the fire and cooking fish. " Well, this is my cave so go look for some other shelter. " He coughed and walked over towards the fire. He was holding a bunch of wood and leaves, now drenched but simply placed them against the wall of the cave. " What is he doing? " You wondered.

With that thought, there was a sudden gust of wind at the end of the cave. Some of the leaves started to spiral and the flame somehow stayed intact. You looked over to the green stranger in awe. He was controlling the wind! You heard of elemental masters before, but there were none in your village. Most elemental masters came from big cities like New Ninjago City. But here you were, with a weird green glowing stranger that could control the wind. " How long are you going to stand there like an idiot? " He asked looking directly at me. My horse growled quietly at the stranger. " Oh!.. Uh. Sorry.. But is it okay if we stay here? I mean- " " No! This is my cave, so go get your own! " He yelled back. You tightened your grip on the strap.

" But.. The storm is still raging outside.. And plus.. Your an elemental master! I always wanted to meet one before! " You said the last part rather happily. He raised an eyebrow to your last remark, but still shook his head. " The faster you get out, the least likely you'll get hurt girly. " He said with a rather annoyed look. You looked at him with a questionably worried look. " What?.." Was all you could get out. " You heard me. Get out or die here. " He said as a puff of smoke appeared around his hand, soon revealing a golden sword. " Woah woah woah- Hey hey, let's not get to that over a cave. " You said as you backed up to your horse. The sizzling of your fish made you look in the fire's direction and distracted you until you realized just how hungry you were.

" Oh..uhm.. Hey let's make a deal.. Let us eat our fish first, and then we'll leave. " You said laying down a small offer. He glared at me and then stabbed his sword into the ground of the cave. " After you eat, i better not see you around again. " He finished and sat down on his knees next to his sword. " Ah, thank you! " You said with a smile. He simply clicked his tounge and stared into the fire. You sat down acrossed from him and motioned your horse to come over. " Here boy. " You muttered as you laid a well cooked fish in front of your horse. He neighed in happiness and began to eat. You smiled slightly back and grabbed the other fish. As you were about to take your first bite, you looked up towards the stranger. You couldn't tell if he was staring at you or the fire between you two.

" ...Do you want one? I have one left.. " You offered him. " Did i ask for one? " He replied back rudely. " Just asking.. " You mumbled and nibbled on your fish. He continued to stare at the fire and the storm only seemed to worsen. You turned around to face the storm and began to worry. " What if i don't make it home before dinner? " You wondered. You turned back around towards the fire. When you did though, you caught the man quickly glancing down towards the fire. " ...Is something wrong? " You asked. " No. " He grumply said. " Oh.. Okay.. " You mumbled back and finished the second half of your fish. He looked at you and said, " Now get out. " You nodded slightly and grabbed your things. " It's still raining... " You thought as you glanced over towards the entrance of the cave.

" Uh.. Well.. Thanks for sheltering us! " You said with a warm smile. " Even though you're kicking us out while it's still raining. " You thought silently. He stayed silent and you hopped onto your horse. You started to prance out into the rain, not being able to see anything much ahead of you. The rain was pouring hard, and the wind didn't make it better. " Hey, get under that small entrance under the hill there! " You pointed out to your horse. He obeyed and soon we were covered with little space to lay in. " I guess it's better than being out in the- aCHUUUUO! " You sneezed so loud that even my horse jumped a bit. " Oh great.. Guess i caught a cold from being in the rain.. For 30 seconds. " You mumbled and started to shake. Your horse moved in closer to try and share some heat, but his coat was also soaked in rain.

" Thanks for trying boy.. " You thanked your horse and pat his mane. You curled up next to him and wrapped your arms around your knees. " Let's hope it'll clear soon- ACHUuo! " You sneezed again. " Ughh.. " You groaned and sniffled. This was gonna be a rather long afternoon.

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